Cant find dungeons or raids to queue for

I am totally new to this game, but starting to like it more and more. But as a noob I have so many questions. For now I try to get in dungeons and raids. But in the dungeon finder I cant find m any dungeons and raids. I bought War within, but I can only see the follwing:
1 specific dungeon: The rookery
3 raids ( i presume) : The elemantal overlords,shadowforge city and imperial seat.


  1. I read that once I hit level 70+ I cant change timelines at Chromie and I can only do the WWI dungeons. Is that right?

  2. I presume I can run the dragonflight dungeons solo? Gearscore is 361

  3. I can’t click on the mythic + dungeon tab. Is that because my armor is too low? I get access on what score?

  4. How can i complete the dragonflight raids then if I dont have access to them? Need to do some for questing and completing campaign?

  5. Must I first complete war within campaign to get access to every dungeon and raid? Or when do I see more dung/raids of all the expacs?

  6. To do older expensions i need to make a new character I presume? As I am too high level.

  7. Regarding dragonflight: how to unlock the dream wardensfaction? I did so many quest and unlocked all other factions. Must i do some solo dungeons and progress further?

I hope someone can help me! Would be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:


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