Can't find my character

Hello, for several days ago I did a realm transfer and faction change (from Twisting Nether (H) to Ravencrest (A))… My Shaman was named Grimgol and was a Orc Shaman and now live he is a Dwarf Shaman named Bazherak.

Live on server everything works fine, playing, doing stuff etc, but the problem is. I can’t FIND Bazherak neither on my account (like here on forum where you change character), or on armory and that makes it very problematic because I can not SIM him on raidbots etc, I am atm living in the dark on stat priority and so on. Can someone please help me/explain how to fix this.

And one more thing, sorry for some mistakes on grammar or spelling, english is not my native language

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Armoury not updating since last night