Can't fly from zone to zone

They actually said you CAN, but that it would take really long.
So better to take a flightpath.

They should just let you fly into the floating gates dotted around like oribos and you do the same flightmaster animation traveling between the zones.

Slap 4 gates in each zone 1 for each zone with oribos replacing the current zones gate.


Yeah that seemed to be the most logical thing to me for them to do.
Maybe there’s technical issues with that?

how come they dont implement a system where you go in fast travel going to and from oribos to a zone where you have no control of the flying? sorta like when you go out of bounds and you get guided to safety… like if you fall in bastion?

I’m surprised there is people surprised by this.
It seemed pretty obvious by the way the zones are organized that you could not fly between them…

They should have done this.

I was not impressed of the fairy tale explanation of “such a long distances”. On the end they built that system there and they built it with purpose. Shadowlands is not real any more than Azeroth and other areas we visit and we travel great distances with different methods all over the game all the time. So instead of going about long distances he should have just said the truth: We built is this way so it takes lot of time for you to travel.


You can’t fly from Quel’thalas to Quel’thalas.

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Fun fact, when flying from a SL zone to Oribos, while in the ‘In-between’, your mount is flying at 1480% movement speed.

Well we couldnt fly from Kul Tiris to Horde zone in BFA so not much different.

And btw I made a discussion about flying about a week ago

Part of it went about how they probably don’t want us exploring/getting lost in empty spaces.

Azeroth/Draenor has fatigue to prevent you from flying too far, while the closest we have gameplay wise to Shadowlands is Outland. So just like Outland they’ll probably surround the zones in invisible walls.

as they said in the Q&A panel its not designed with flying between the zones in mind, so would you want to spend half hour+ flying from bastion to maldraxxus? or would it make more sense to just fly to a flight master and use that instead, is actually a lot faster if you think about it

I don’t really mind, it’s the actual zones it will make a difference in.

There is no limit to the amount of “convenience” people will require in their quest to avoid interacting with the game world.

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