So I’m watching the live Q&A and it seems we won’t be able to fly from zone to zone. We have to fly from one zone to a taxi use that to go to oribos then from oribos to another zone then we can fly around that zone we arrive at… Its a little long winded isn’t it.
You can’t really fly from Kalimdor to Northrend… or from the Broken isles to Kul Tiras/Zuldazar… whats your point?
Those zones are different “continents” separated by nothingness… like on azeroth the great sea…
Ion explained this pretty well, the zones are huge distances apart and would take 30mins+ to fly between them. Makes sense to me (if you accept the design as it is - which it didn’t have to be)
You can’t fly from Eastern Kingdoms to Kalimdor either.
I understand but
But these are massive continents the areas of the Shadowlands are snippets in comparison, I expected the ability to atleast being able to fly straight to oribos. Not having to use a taxi service to get there and back.
It makes sense.
It would be like flying through space, just an empty void and land mass in front of you in the far distance.
The flight path from Oribos to a zone is pretty quick too.
You could fly to the nearest flight path and then take it.
Thats an optical illusion, so to speak
From all over the universe, and even alternate universes/timelines souls pours to the Shadowlands…
The Shadowlands should represent the afterlives of all the universe
Now, take ours for example!
Nearly 150,000 people die each day around the world, according to 2017 data.
Our galaxy is filled with potentially habitable planets – at least 300 million of them, according to NASA.
Hubble revealed an estimated 100 billion galaxies in the universe or so, but this number is likely to increase to about 200 billion as telescope technology in space improves… lets be generous, and count 150 billion, why not?
Thats then 150 billion (or 100, if you are not generous) x 300 million x 150000 death
Per day
In our universe
Now, the Warcraft universe maybe smaller and the Burning legion destroyed a portion of it… but even if you take the 1% of the number of death of our universe/day… even thats hell of a lot of souls!
In a few floating little islands…
These Realms are HUGE, they must be huge…
Doesn’t bother me, really.
At least we got flying account wide for basic playing. My favourite answer was the one about faction imbalance.
Lorewise the Shadowlands are a whole dimension, the in-game representation of the realms is probably less than 1% of what they really are, imagine the space between them.
It would take forever to fly between zones or to Oribos. The zones are in the same physical location but a very large distances apart. When you take the flight path and go through the in-between, your flight speed is increased to ~4300%. No that’s not an extra 0. You are literally zooming across the equivalent of an entire continent in a few seconds.
You can’t even fly from Quel’thalas to the rest of the Eastern Kingoms even lol
It’s been 14 years…
Funny, let’s just pick any number, we don’t know anything, my pocket calculator only sees 100 billion so I’m gonna assume it’s right, after I download more ram on it it’ll say 200 bill so we’ll go with that.
NASA really loves taking numbers out of their behinds dont they? Same with the age of our universe, 13 billion years is only a hypothesy some stars are reportedly 17 billion years old
talk about knowing things
If you mean the HD 140283 (or the Methuselah star ), the “oldest star in the universe that older than the universe itself” in the constellation Libra? Years ago the conclusion reached was that the age is about 14 billion years and, again, if one includes all sources of uncertainty — both in the observational measurements and the theoretical modelling — the error is about 700 or 800 million years, so there is no conflict because 13.8 billion years lies within the star’s error bar…
I’m more concerned about the size and the speed of light thing
The observed universe is around ~13.8 billion years;meaning the light travelled from the centre from ~13.8 billion years at light speed. Simple.
it is possible to measure the size of the observable universe, which is currently estimated to be 93 billion light-years in diameter…
Anyhow, even without toying with numbers, and with generous error bar… the amount of souls that the Shadowlands had to accept/day is astronomical…
All and all, not just a little islands, the character mortal mind and eyes can’t even comprehend a dimension capable accepting that many souls
So no flying between these dimensions is totally undestandable
So if its size is estimated to be around 93 bln in diameter, the radius is 46.5 bln light years which means we do indeed still live in fog
Thats science for you
A Gnome should appreciate it
That was expected. Look at the speed you’re flying with when on a taxi from Oribos to a zone. There are large, large, empty gaps in between the zones.
Why did they design it like that? Don’t ask me. But I knew it was going to be like that since beta.
And here i was so hoping i was gonna be able to fly from Oribos, through the portals to the other 4 zones. But nahh. Too much waste of time blizz feels that is for the average player.
**** off i say to that!
No one escapes the taxi!
Maybe they should give the option, just for fun.
AFK flying for 30 minutes to reach the next zone.