No, but I can safely assume that it shows up somewhere in the logs otherwise Spy would not detect them.
Either that or the players detected during flight have active auras on them that refresh during flight or they’re pressing keys, which would explain why Spy doesn’t always pick up people on flight paths (contrary to what Nitjiviel claims).
This addon NEEDS to go!
Would require breaking all addons that read the combat log, not gonna happen.
Also addons that function the exact same way Spy does have been around since Vanilla and Blizzard have never had an issue with them.
Spy ain’t going anywhere.
Spy doesn’t just rely on the combat log it relies on specific types of entries. Namely those generated by enemy players. So if Blizzard blocked addon access to read those entries it would break Spy but most addons that rely on the combat log would survive. Of course some other PvP addons would also break.
Welp, I can’t seem to find it, would be glad if someone else could.
I at least know it’s an aura as evidenced by:
We also know that Classic does have some oddities when it comes to detecting things as auras (like when it used to detect item enhancements as auras).
Something’s getting pinged on the log that’s for sure.
Well, we don’t know, but that might require more work… so even less likely to happen.
It seems quite unlikely to me too. For one Blizzard is probably hesitant to make changes like that in Classic. Also while I can imagine a way to break Spy without breaking too many addons I don’t think it can be done without breaking other addons at all.
Ideally the combat log would have never worked in a way that enabled this. Changing it now in Classic does feel like it goes against #nochanges a bit. It’s a crazy addon though. Everyone should use it and recommend it
That’s really bad because if it’s possible it detects the invisible to players flightpath effect it could also detect things like wearing set bonuses or having a weapon specialization talent. But I would at this point like to see proof that this turns up readable in the combat log.
It’s simple, if this sort of addon was possible in Vanilla, it should be possible here. Just because people were worse at addon coding back then it doesn’t mean we need to change stuff. More than that, Classic is a chance for us to become better at the game than we could be back then; this goes for addon development too.
I don’t think we should worry about this too much because Blizzard did fix a major bug where item enhancements were contributing to the buff limit because it was incorrectly identifying them as auras.
Still regarding pinging people on flightpoints it doesn’t seem to do it consistently (to test it I stood near a fairly busy alliance FP, out of 10 people only 4 seemed to ping Spy) so that suggests that it’s either A) picking up people pressing keys that would otherwise register on the combat log or B) they have an aura on them that’s constantly refreshing and that’s what sets Spy off.
Regardless it isn’t exactly a massive issue that it pings people on FPs, it’s merely an annoyance for Spy users.
If people have to do something, how does my addon catch people that are flying? How do you activate something when you are flying? Or on a mount? I really doubt all the players i see just mounted…
I 100% agree with you, I really dont get how incompetent blizzard can be, people will quit in masses at this point, theres a lot of things I can forgive(xrealm bgs wont, I quit at that point), Spy is currently ruining wpvp, hopefully they will change it… but it doesnt look like blizzard gives a damn about it, given how they nuked the LFG addon over night but wont do a thing here…
Movement key presses show up on the combat log.
It’s unclear, although it doesn’t seem to be consistent so that implies that the players who are detected have some aura on them that consistently refreshes and that’s what pings Spy.
Not only your actions. If you have an active buff like a hot or curse all the ticks are logged. Gaining or loosing any aura or buff are also logged I believe.
That is what I remember, I could be wrong though.
I just can’t find this or remember it.
Ran around all weekend getting ganked left and right by roaming bands of horde.
Had spy on at the time.
Please explain in detail and not in your own little fantasy, how it stopped the pvp happening?
mind vision goes through walls.
I have wallhack with Spy, poor rogues definitely at an disadvantage with this addon. it’s pretty op but idc about this addon wouldnt mind having it removed either.
Not correct.
Many people have gotten banned for using morphx.