Can't gain pet xp

I have a l23 Wildhammer Gryphon Hatchling. It has 1457 of the 1920 XP needed to level up, but I can’t get it any higher. I’m in Outland. I’ve used the hatchling in a dozen pet battles, always making sure that it does some damage. It never receives XP, even when other pets used in the same battle do.

What levels of pet are you fighting against?

I just checked in Hellfire against a team of level 18, and didn’t get any pet XP either.

The amount of pet XP you get depends on the level of your pets and the levels of the ones you are battling.

It seems 2*25 plus a 23 is too high to get XP abainst a team of 18s.

I suggest you look at the Powerlevelling Guide on Xu-Fu’s here

There is a section for Wild Pet levelling.

I just checked out your pets. In your case, I would recommend one of a couple of things:

  1. Buy your way to success with some of the most used pets on the AH, as Level 25s if you have lots of Gold


  1. Go capture a Rare P/P Breed Emperor Crab in the sand flats off the Briny Muck in Dread Wastes, Pandaria. Then use that, with Snap, Shell, and Heal, to level your pets against the Critters in Halfhill, in the fields between the Village and Lucky Yi. Those are levels 23-25 so you should get nearly full XP.

If you need any help, do please let me know! Always nice to see a new battler. :smiley:

I did wonder if it might have been the quality of the opponents, but the Hatchling had been gathering XP in Zangarmarsh for a while, always against l18’s. Then it seemed to hit a ceiling, which is what confused me.

Maybe the visible level is rounded down, and my hatchling moved from l23.7 to l23.8, and that tipped it over a threshold so that it could no longer gain from l18 opponents.

That’s a great document on levelling – thanks! Until now I’ve done all my levelling by battling wild pets. I didn’t even realise that there were other ways.

For levelling in the Wild you want some of these:

P/P Emperor Crab against critters
Teroclaw Hatchling against critters or aquatics
Void-Scarred Anubisath against Flyers or Anubisath Idol as a general tanky resource
Feline Familiar against critters

There are fancy specific strats on that page, but those four, correctly used, just keep on going against almost anything with minimal need for Stable Masters or Bandages.

You can use level 1 pets to do the BfA World Quests to get Polished Pet Charms to buy bandages or stones to make pets Rare quality.

If you collect the pets necessary to handle one of the Legion tamers, you can spam it when it’s up and level much much faster. Very boring, but efficient.

There’s a strat here:!

that uses only a Teroclaw, which is well within your grasp. :slight_smile:

I see Snail Fight is up today. I can loan you a Teroclaw Hatchling if you want to level some petswith that strat above.

I whispered you but no answer. Let me know if you want to borrow one to do some quick levelling.:slight_smile:

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