Can't get fly in Zereth Mortis because I can't fly

Honestly, how am I supposed to do ?

I can’t get any rare kill because I can’t fly.

And I can’t fly because I can’t get any rare kill.

Please help.

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There is this myth that flying helps you kill rares.

This is how I kill most rares (with flying), go to a rare location, open group finder, type in the first three letters (or more as needed) of the rare I want to kill, hit refresh, apply to groups or kill the rare on respawn in my shard. Most have a respawn timer of 15-20 mins.

You can not get to most rares before they die even if you fly.


Yea just do your daily stuff and if you are near some rare spawn point just open group finder/custom and look for a group.
Some website with rare map or coordinate addon helps tremendously with this.

Do you have the shardhide whistle from korthia? You can also use it in zereth mortis, will help you reach rares a bit faster.

Do you still need help? I am eager to carry you on my back. If you are enough patient I can even grand you ‘‘Advantures in Zereth Mortis’’ achieve. I am pro rare finder. :smiley: Don’t hesitate to commend when you are online and I will invite you. I am killing all rares available every day and it won’t hurt me killing them together for one day. :slight_smile:

I found that I got the 10 kills whilst doing the other stuff I needed for flying.

go to the location of the Rare spawn, and go to LFG Tool - Custom - then search of the rare and any nearby Rares.

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