it seems that you can do zul’aman as much as you want right now ( even if you queue specific ZA ) , idk if it’s normal or that’s a bug …
THanks for the tip, Been trying to get that stupid hit ring…
anyone know if it’s normal or how to get saved to ZA ?
If you´re going in manually, either through the instance portal or by selecting it as a specific dungeon, you “should” be getting a daily lockout, unless there was a change I´m not aware of in the last patch /hotfix notes.
If that is not happening and no change has been communicated, it´s almost certainly a bug that should be reported, and exploiting it by rerunning it multiple times can potentially get you banned for a few days.
Probably best to check the bluetracker on and see if there was a change before risking a forced vacation
I think it just happens occasionally you don’t get saved, but if you can reliably retrigger it I don’t know.
The one time I got in this situation was by walking out of the dungeon after delivering quests.
But, it should probably get you saved after killing one of the bosses, I think this is how that works now, you get saved as soon as you were egible to loot one of the bosses, not 100% sure of it though.
That is the way it should work, correct. And probably does when things aren`t going pear shaped for whatever reason.
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