Can't interact with Anachronos after completing The Might of Kalimdor


I just completed the quest “The might of Kalimdor” from the Scepter of the shifting sands questline on EU Living Flame (SoD) Realm.

After this you’re supposed to interact with Anachronos to receive the Scepter but the problem is … Anachronos doesnt have any interaction beside the shop for a ring.

The Bang a Gong quest to receive the mount is supposed to happen between the 4th and the 6th december, but i might not be able to do it without the scepter.

I tried everything, from contacting support which said they can’t do anything without a bug report.
So I did a bug report but i have no clue if they’re looking at it or not.

After all this grind, from me and my guildmate I would be quite mad to not be able to bang the gong without even knowing why i can’t interact with anachronos to receive the scepter.

No my inventory was not full. Yes All the quest from the questline are completed.
This post my last hope for it…


Hi I had the same problem and the only answer the support gave me was: “report the bug”

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Hey, glad I found this topic, I had the same bug this morning and the same answers from the support.
I really don’t imagine how a big can be here when it’s the third time with wow classic that this event exist…
Home they resolve this before the last gong

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Hi there Sukimal,

We have indeed seen the bug reports about this and are currently investigating.

No further details to share for now, but once we have more info we’ll be sure to share it.

Thanks for taking the time to report it!

I hope we’ll have a quick solution because the gates open on Wednesday and the event finishes on Friday and we won’t be able to get the mount after that.

I’ve had the same issue - Posting here to keep up to date on this thread, thanks for letting us know that this is being looked into.


I logged out just after my post, logged in just now and the dialogue option was available.

Hope that the same happens to you guys

So, I contacted Zirene on Twitter and explained everything, and he explained it like this.

Perfect, thanks for reporting the Bug.
It looks like the way it’s setup in Era is you can get another scepter as long as you haven’t turned in the quest that gets you the reward (which you normally can’t turn in until the gate is open).

But due to the way it got set up you could turn in the quest and get the weapon reward and lock yourself out of getting a replacement scepter if you somehow lost it (no idea how it got lost in the first place but this would solve that issue)

It’s fixed now, thank you for the fast resolve before the Gong event :slight_smile:

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