Cant kill a single mob

Hello. I playing mop remix casually. My goal here is to get Claas esembles and tmogs, nothing more. So, yesterday i complete landfall having BIG problems to kill mobs in this chain quests having around 67-70 lvl. Today i hit 70, and decide to complete rest story quests… And I cant kill a single mob. They just destroy me, no matter if i play as DPS or healer, their hp pool is gigantic, my DMG is not existent, and their damage is brutal. What I was doing wrong? Did i destroy my character by simply doing this one chain quests and occasionaly dungeons/raids? Do i need change trinket slots to DPS one? (I main healer so all are to help me heal), maybe upgrade gems, or farm dungeons and raids to upgrade cloak? Or simply delete this character and do every story quest by new character? I hit a wall, please help me.

Well… What is your item level? Or rather, what level are your items? If they’re under 346 you should probably level them with bronze / get new ones if needed.

Check what you can do with your gem build so that you can do more damage / crowd control while having some self healing.

And, yes, doing a bunch of dailies might help since you’re a fresh 70. Like a daily scenario, etc. They give spools of threads with +100 in a stat or so that might be a big help (:

Use damage Tinkers, do some Dungeons for 346 gear and equip it and youll be fine. I had absolutely no issue killing mobs with several times my health that way.

Be glad you can’t, if Blizzard finds out you can kill a single mob they will nerf your cloak and take away your stats.

Working as intended, you need to pay a couple of mounts’ worth of bronze in order to be able kill outside mobs
Happy forced daily farming!

While i understand the salt, youre not making a good case by coming in to a thread of someone asking for help and posting comments like these.


I would recommend using the the best gems for your class though many are the same for most. You can find them on sites like wowhead remix guides.

It’s worth unlocking the extras too like the trinkets, rings and neck. You will get gems to put in them, you can build up gems into bigger gems until they become orange (legendary quality).

Make sure you do the daily quests in the Shrine (can be picked up in any of the golden time bubbles). Most auto queue activities will give you a reward once a day too.

So one random heroic scenario, one normal scenario, one heroic dungeon, one normal dungeon and every lfr wing. You can also do all the raids on normal until you are in a better position to try them on a higher difficulty. The world bosses are worth a tour too.

Do as little or as much as you feel like doing.

The highest ilvl reward in game is 346 ivl, greens have no secondary stat, blues do.

Yes I have exactly the same problem. I decided to level mistweaver monk in remix and mobs were super easy to kill below level 60 and they did hardly any damage to me. And I didn’t even update my gear or use gems before that. At 60 all the way when I hit max lvl 70 mobs just hit incredibly hard. I will get one shot by single mob while doing story quests at lvl 70. And I have all my gear at lvl 346 and looked up on wowhead what gems I should use.
I’m here to just get some mounts, toys and transmog. I don’t wanna do raids on heroic or mythic. I plan on doing achievements and collecting bronze but it’s getting really unmotivating to play since I die all the time and cannot kill anything. I don’t plan on upgrading my gear with bronze if I don’t have to.

Don’t hit level 70, the scaling is busted.