Can't Log In After Dying in Burning Steppes SOD - WOW51900322 Error

I’m facing a frustrating issue in WoW Classic Season of Discovery and could really use some help. Here’s what’s happening:

Situation: Died in Burning Steppes and now can’t log in with that character (it happened after I clicked release spirit)

Error Message: “A streaming error has occurred - WOW51900322”.

Steps I’ve Tried:

Updating Drivers: Made sure all my system drivers are up to date.

Disabling Addons: Turned off/ Deleted all WoW addons.

Resetting WoW User Interface: Followed the steps to reset the UI to default settings.

Scanning for Repair: Used the repair tool in the client, which results in ‘‘Whoops, looks like something broke. You could try restarting’’ but nothing happens after pressing OK.

Re-installing WoW/ Completely uninstalled and reinstalled both WoW and the client.

Removed Cache in ProgramData.

Stuck Character Service: Attempted to use the stuck character service on the Blizzard support site, which made me alive but still in Burning steppes.

Please Help

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Not much us players can do. You are going to need to reach out to blizzard.

The forum staff are not in-game gm’s and can’t forward your issue to in-game gm’s either (blizzard doesn’t permit the forums to be used as a bypass to the ticket queues).

You are going to have to reach out to Blizzard via ticket.

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