Can't log in to world of warcraft (EU) the war whitin


When I log the game all servers are red
But the updated was suppose to be finish this morning at 7am

Am I alone in this case or it’s a general problem

what error ?
update the game with battlenet if didnt work maybe servers are offline for update or something

  1. go to task manager
  2. kill all tasks related to wow and battle net and I mean all of them
  3. launch b net app - it should start updating
  4. go and play the game :slight_smile:
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This is the correct answer :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Can’t play the game with an out of date client.

I get an error message when I try to start the game, sometimes I get an error message saying that all realms are disconnected.
Does anyone know what the problem is?

are all realms red in color?

ja, och nu kommer jag inte alls in i spelet.
Desciption: invalid schema WOWSTATIC_11_0_7_57788 for table startup_strings
ThreadID: 37212
Förstår inget jag spelade inatt

wh…what xD

try this trick

  • go to task manager
  • kill all tasks related to wow and battle net and I mean all of them
  • launch b net app - it should start updating
  • go and play the game

Tack så mycket, det fungerar nu :slight_smile:

This is an english speaking forum :roll_eyes:

I cant update to the latest patch today. Everything was working fine the previous night. I press update, it stacks too long in “Initializing” , sometimes it pops “Waiting for another update” only for 1 second and then “Initializing” again.

What should i do?

(Win10 user)

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