Cant log in "WOW51900201)

Updates please!!

I guess the update would be ā€œweā€™re working on itā€. We just have to have patienceā€¦

Its not fixed yet. I have error on login try: BLZ51900001.

Ahhhā€¦the real classic experienceā€¦ Server problems day after day. Just like in the old days when Bliz were still learning how to run a game like this. but so many years later I thought maybe you had figured it out. noā€¦same problems and same excuses over a decade later. Id be embarrassed if i was you. No more excuses please, just fix it and refund us for 2 days of game-time.

Says its fixed when it obviously isnā€™tā€¦ Why not be honest and say you donā€™t have it under control and havenā€™t fixed it?

Just like yesterday, same issue.
In this thread it was said it was fixed :smiley:

Hope you fix it soon :slight_smile:

still not working!

still aint working same as yesterday

I am in! Tnx!

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Jesus, sort your miserable selves out already. Itā€™s not like it only happened once.

Same here. Canā€™t login to either Classic Or Retail.
First I get into a queue, then, logging into server, and finnally into a disconnect.

Silithus doesnā€™t exist anymore. My main is there. I log in to a world without ground, fall for a second, get disconnected.

Nothing fixed. Nothing works.

TBH. just remove autmatic player disconect to let us stay on the servers 24/7 until you learned how to REALLY fix problems

Get over yourself, every company has issues sometimes.


hope they can fix it before the day ends

Every now and again. When these companies in question mad cow milk their player s like thereā€™s no tomorrow and fail to deliver stable servers for two consecutive days, people should and will get angry.


Same problem

Same issue two days in a row. Come on Blizzard fix this already!!

Bump. Cannot login either.

Looks like server trouble.

Traceroute is fine.

Finally in, but why isnā€™t this in the ā€œBreaking newsā€ section of the launcher?

I donā€™t care for knowing that there will be server restarts on Wednesday, like very week for the last 15 years.

I do care to know this not free to play game is hard to log into with multiple queues.