Can't log into the game, stuck on login or "world server down" error ( app login is fine)


I have the same problem. Can’t log in on any of the characters most of the time. I play on EU servers. Tried to make new character on US servers and it worked. Still, can’t log in on EU. It is either freeze on loading screen or “world server is down”. Of course, when I created a ticket only AI generated response was given, with link to articles that do not exist :smiley:

Tried everything. Nothink works. Should I just wait?


I even talked with my ISP and reseted everything from WAN IP to FW of router and nothing changed.

for 2 days my character has been stuck in Azmourne. I can’t log in to any of the characters on the Chamber of Aspect server, I reinstalled battlenet and nothing works. Support neither in the game nor on the battlenet website works.

Try to log in outside the app. Maybe this will help. Some of friends from my guild have the same problem from yesterday.

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i was hoping this would be fixed until today but nothing , at least come out and tell us what’s wrong , if i refund my gamecard will i be at wrong?

Same here. At this point I deleted everything, reinstalling now and hoping for a miracle.

more than 24 hours for me!!!


I have the same issue !

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Same issue for me !!

Blizzard worth billions haven´t fixed this for 3 days. Haven´t been able to log in nor play for 3 days. They´re joking

Same for me, yesterday I was kept getting “WOW51900328” on loading screen for few hours, today this

same here since last night

I can not log in into my character.

First it was mage and warlock that i was playing. Then tried to log in on different character and it worked. After loging on the different characters one or twice the same thing happen. But on a new character i can log in.

I tried to reset UI, reinstall all the game.

Please help


I have the same problem since last night

Is it just one character that is stuck, or can you not log into the game at all on any character? Or is it just characters on that realm?

You’ll need to be a little more specific :wink:

How far do you get before logging in fails? Do you get any messages or see anything unusual?

Still cant log in on Can only log in Offline.
Code Blzbntbgs80000011

Tele2 Fiber wire Connection

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Can only go Offline to Battlenet.
Code Blzbntbgs80000011

Tele2 Fiber wire Connection

A weekend off wow will echo trough the ages :wink:

Same issue here, Poland, internet provider Vectra. Since yesterday have same issue - i am online on battle net, but pages do not load, and games I cannot connect, getting stucked on loading screen or World server is down. Everything else works and I did every possible troubleshooting blizzard and my IPS recommended. Losing money on two subs for me and my partner because we cannot play, on Friday and weekends which are the days we play. I will ask for refundation if this wont be fixed by today.


Same here. Poland and Vectra