Can't Log into the PTR

Hi All,

I’m trying to log into the 11.0.5 PTR without success (I selected 11.0.0 as seen into the forum)
I’m able to select a server and create characters level 1 and pre-made 70 & 80
The issue is when I’m trying to load these characters the loading bar is stuck at 3/4 and then nothing, it just get stucked here

Anyone having this weird issue?

Thank you!

I just installed PTR and logged in, while I was met with a Black screen at first after trying to log in after a reset it worked, maybe try reinstalling the client.

I re-installed the PTR and I’m experiencing the same issue as before, I can log into Retail without issue

PTR can be launched as well, just characters not loading after creation…

To clarify, I can log into the PTR, create as many characters as I want into all different accessible PTR Realms

The issue is when trying to log into any of these characters, the loading bar is stuck at 3/4 and nothing happen after (even the loading music stop)