Can't pick up quest "Uniting the Isles"

I bought BfA and boosted this character to 110. I’ve been playing in the Kul Tiras area and I’m level 120 now, but I’d like to try unlock the Void Elves. I’ve read that you need to head to to the Violet Citadel in Dalaran and pick up the quest [Uniting the Isles] from [Archmage Khadgar] but when I get there he isn’t offering the quest.

How do I get to Argus without this quest and start trying to work towards my [You Are Now Prepared!] Achievement?

This sounds stupid but did you actually click on him? It’s a low level quest now for you so won’t show a quest marker above his head unless you track trivial quests on your minimap.

I had clicked on him. I went back now and noticed that the quest is called “The Hand of Fate” - that’s the correct one. Guess I was looking for the wrong quest by the right person…

All sorted now thanks!


Glad you were able to find what you needed.

For reference, Uniting the Isles unlocks World Quests in the Broken Isles. I believe that you need to be at least Friendly reputation with each of the main Legion story factions before that quest will show up.

I realise this has already been solved (awesome), but just a hint that many people forget about - there’s a mini map filter that shows low level quests to make them easier to spot. I use it myself when doing legacy content.

Thanks everyone! Useful tips!

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