Can't put decent title because I will spoil next patch

Whataboutism doesn’t really negate the fact i stated above.

And one would argue that being left leaderless, homeless, and without any notable character that could keep up the racial narrative the target audience were fond of, is about the rock bottom any race could achieve on a narrative level.

And in said regard, i’d say that few can equate themselves with Orcs and Forsaken.

As i said, I’ll certainly be there to remind it all for those that take all of that as acceptable, desirable, positive, or even logical development, when this sort of focus is turned towards other characters these people like.

Because surely, we won’t have ANY complaint when/if Tyrande goes down in a blazing ball of “She turned evil”, or “she was consumed by senseless vengeance and had to be put down”.

It’s not as if we aren’t having reactions to the looming presence of similar development for other characters…




(And honestly cba to quote the million NEFPA posts that surfaced at the bare INSINUATION that Tyrande may have crossed any sort of line)

Sure, sure. And i’m sure we will have a similar list of crimes to go with the upcoming development of any character Blizzard feels like throwing down the same Sylvanas road.

Brace yourself, 'cause there is already a list “in the making” for any character we want.
After all, Turalyon already condoned the torture of innocents, advocated for the death of his mentor, and supported the genocide of an entire race (alongside his wife).

But i’m sure we’ll be able to pile the list even further when things come around and the Light Crusade comes down on 10/11.0

Sylvanas actions will pale in comparsion to the stellar crusade to convert or genocide all existence under the Lights heel!! :grinning: