Can't put decent title because I will spoil next patch


In the fact that most that wail at the mere insinuation that the there might be certain lines crossed, are the same ones that applaud, or rationalise ad nauseam, when Blizzard decides to randomly double on said traits with the likes of Sylvanas and Garrosh.

As I said, when/if Blizzard ends up going the way they hint at, I’ll be there to point at the hypocrisy of those that cheered and fostered said treatment for certain characters.

If you think that the sort of treatment Orcs and Forsaken had with their themes and leaders, is to be considered logical, and applauded at, good for you. I’ll be there to remind the same when it goes down on Turalyon and Tyrande, Anduin or Velen.

I can already spot several familiar and firm advocates for the thorough villain batting of Sylvanas and Garrosh in threads such as these:

Or the countless ones that ensued after Blizzard hinted at Tyrande going down a dark path.

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