Forsaken, and it not only belongs to the Forsaken. The Argent Crusade and Scarlet Crusade where two organisations formed by surviving Lordaeroni and there were/are surviving pockets of Lordaeroni that are aligned to the Alliance (mostly until the Forsaken promptly wiped them out like a Scourge 2.0).
False, and unconfirmed. Besides there are Forsaken from Gnomeregan, Dalaran, Quel’thalas and even Stormwind so no, Forsaken doesn’t automaticly mean Lordaeroni and it doesn’t mean they lived in Lordaeron before the Scourge.
Unconfirmed but heavily hinted at. Also, you can not really blame humanity for it, especially since they just survived a zombie apocalypse and then those (in the eyes of humanity) same zombies turn around and wanna do diplomacy?
He was a noble of Lordaeron and its highest ranking surviving military leader. It’s a 100% fact that he is from Lordaeron. What source were you using?
As was the agreement made between Garithos and Sylvanas.
Saying a demon did nothing wrong because he killed an arrogant man… alright then.
I am quite confident that Garithos would’ve tried something against the displaced Forsaken somewhere down the line, hence why Sylvanas and the Forsaken had no other choice.
I honestly want for the night elves to keep to their vengeance stick, for the Alliance to start a “Light” crusade against the unbelievers to try and (forcibly) convert non-Light races to the Light and try and create everlasting peace taht way.
Basicly, they radicalise while trying to create world wide peace.
She didn’t enslave a dreadlord, she beat him, thought she’d blackmailed him into subservience and was promptly betrayed when her plague plan at the Wrathgate backfired on her. Nearly lost the Undercity to the Alliance too.
Sylvanas’ was a credible, background, asset. The moment she was put into the spotlight her character started to be unraveled because they couldn’t let her get away with the semi-evil/morally grey shenanigens she did when just a mere faction leader.
Also, the moment she left the Forsaken, they became more human, meaning her presence was what kept the Forsaken “evil”.