Just how unbelievably bad Resto druid is in shuffle lol. only manage to play 2 rounds on my fully conquest geared main who also has the 4 piece set and i just cant compete. Lost to a holy paladin and disc priest both in full greens and no enchants for 4/2 and 5/1
Even with Incarnation: tree of life, Full hots up and mashing regrowth my team mates hp just isnt moving. Prior to this i played some 2v2 where we were somewhat playable but holy jesus iv never seen healer class balancing this bad. Do shamans and monks feel this powerless too in the solo shuffle scenario? Think i’l just be sticking to 2s and leveling up my paladin for the time being.
Honestly felt like try to fight prime Mike Tyson with 1 hand tied behind my back and a tea pot taped to 1 foot