Cant queue in LFG and LFR

Yep, got that problem right now.

Yup, wednesday afternoon queue problems, I should have been prepared for it but somehow I had hoped this huge company would have fixed this issue by now.

Seems scuffed this week too… maybe we can hope for next week again

At this point blizzard showed me, they dont care about the customer 4-5 weeks now. No helpfull response or fix. Ill quit my Abo now. Sad. Really sad. Unfinished game.

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4 weeks in a row :+1:

How about some blue post. This is getting ridiculous.

Prolly a new tactic to make content last longer.

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YAY it’s not only me that’s having this issue (on my alliance Druid and Warrior, and horde priest - yeah like all my toons)

Dungeon finder is broken… and if you are lucky to get into an instance you get kicked right away and get a 30min deserter debuff… well done blizz.

Demanding / asking / requesting extra days play has never worked.
Simple solution, vote with your money, dont use the blizz store and give them extra, and cancel subs for a week here and there. If only enough people did this, they would be forced to fix the game we pay for. But it will never happen, so its going to continue to break every week. Get used to it folks.