Cant queue in LFG and LFR

Yeah, I just made a new toon and can’t finish newbie island because last quest asks you to queue up for dungeon with ogres. Can’t do that so I am stuck there since I can’t use that “Battlegrounds workaround” that you’ve been talking about :confused:

Que to battlegrounds, wait 5 s leave que , the LFR will reset and will work. This worked for me the 3rd time i tried.


^^^ this


Worked for me thanks hopefully its fixed soon

Same issue here. Trying to queue as a group…

Same here, currently leveling an alt and my dungeon list is just completely empty.
Edit: Screenshot of my Dungeon finder -

Join a Group and leaving it will fix it aswell. At least temporary i guess


Same for me as well. The updated really destroyed LFR.

Well, its fishing time xD

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yayy! Ty for the tip:-)

Yep, that did it. Thanks! Let’s hope a proper fix comes in soon.

The fix only seemed to work for LFG, LFR still screwed up for my character

Rated arena ques are dead solo shuffle ques dead. Theres something which bugging alot.

bumb ! yes it is broken . no idea why and no info about this on anti human blizzard firm.
they might ban me from saying anything negative . even if its the truth .

It seems, it is a server side, because early in the morning everything was ok and there were no client updates.

Pvp + dungeon finder still not working properly. Need to join friend party first + then I see specific dungeons or that I’m queued in solo queues… But have not been able to join any lfg yet (pvp or pve)

after 4pm gmt+2 started these problems

Same issue here. Seems like the World Boss Spawn and some other World Quest Mobs don’t spawn either. Currently waiting with multiple for Maneet to spawn.

Good you can join random BG queue, and Dung/Raid list will appear.

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I tried everything written here and nothing works for me. Including to join random BG :frowning: