After getting the “Iron dwarf, medium rare” achiefment at Razorscale in Ulduar I jumped to my death to reset the boss. The problem is that I can’t release my spirit because Razormaw keeps targeting a friendly npc, which the game percieves as a party member who’s in combat. I already tried unstucking my character to a safe place which teleported my corpse to the start of the Ulduar. The same problem keeps persisting there though. I still can’t release my spirit because of the npc. Now I’m stuck in my corpse. I already tried the following, but nothing works.
- Log out and back in again
- Try typing in the following command: /script RepopMe()
- Reset your user interface to make sure your files and addons are not corrupted.
Please help me?
ps: I accidently posted this as my priest, but it regards my lvl 70 mage Caeleste