Can't see dangerous AoE on the ground

I just recently bought an Ultrawide 3440x1440 monitor (GIGABYTE M34WQ) and started having graphical issues with some ground AoE. I say that because while some of it doesn’t show at all, other ground AoE starts showing when I pin my camera at a certain angle. For example Scorched Ground on Primal Council doesn’t show at all but Erupting Bedrock on Kurog Wildfire on Diurna only show when I pin my camera high enough.

I made sure that Projected Textures are enabled in both Base and Raid and BG settings and even played around with other graphical settings but none of them seem to fix it.

I’m gonna try deleting my cache and see if the issue goes away but until then if anyone has any advice on how to fix this then any help is greatly appreciated.

RX 6950 XT

This happened to me too for the first time, in LFR at the council trash and boss, couldn’t see any ground effects.
Never had this problem before.
I asked in the chat and others had it too.
Maybe they broke something with a hotfix.

Then maybe my new monitor isn’t the cause but something else is. I don’t know why I thought so but I had a feeling that maybe new resolution broke something. Either way I hope that there’s a solution to this or a fix incoming soon.

How could it even be? It just displays the singal from the GPU :smiley:

It’s 100% a WoW issue.
There was another bug just a while ago where you could not see those textures for aiming with certain skills, like Blizzard from the mage or Shadowcrash from the S-Priest and so on, when MSAA antialiasing was enabled.
That got fixed already.
So this is something similiar but new.

I was in an LFR yesterday and half the raid just died on some bosses. Apparently most of them had this issue and said they could not see stuff anymore.

I had no problems myself but considering the amount of people I saw dying to this I think the problem is with the game.

Maybe it’s the same thing with MSAA again but for different textures this time, do you have MSAA off?

So it seems my suspicion was right:

MSAA seems to break it… again.

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