Can't see healthbars for npcs and allies

I can’t see the healthbars of allies or enemies / npcs. I do have both “Enemy nameplates” on and “Friendly nameplates” on, however all I can see for enemies is the Text and in example of the training dummy, the golden dragon icon under the name. What am I missing…?

Can’t add a link apparently to an imgur img … so broken link below
https: //imgur .com/a/U9k9C1m

Edit: I just logged into my new evoker and was playing through the tutorial and I have health bars for enemies there, but when relogging shaman still not on my shammy. Also, when pressing the shortcut for turning on and off enemy nameplates on the evoker it says “Enemy nameplates on (combat)” whereas shammy doesn’t say the “(combat)” part

Hiya, I had the same problem. This should fix it:
/console nameplateShowOnlyNames 0

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That’s worked thank you so much!

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