Can't see or access guild interface on my SoD rogue

I recently came back to the game and noticed I can’t access or even see the guild interface on my SoD - Lone Wolf rogue. It works on my druid on the same server and guild.

I tried the following troubleshooting steps without success:
deleted cache
disabled all addons
reset the interface
checked/repaired game files
rebooted the whole system

This is a very odd issue and seemingly only affects that one character. I would try re-entering the guild, but the issue is, that character is the guild master. :frowning:

Ok, I resolved this issue myself. Turns out chat commands like “/guildleader [name]” still work, so I could transfer the guild to a friend, let my char get kicked out and invited again. After that the interface works as intended.

My guess is that some guild data on my char got corrupted and this overwrote/fixed it.

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