Cant see people in durotar , getting phased out when nearing area

when i stand near graveyard i can see duelling ppl but if i go into the area it self where ppl duel i get phased out, why is that??

Did you finish the campaign for the 4th War?

Check your log, if you haven’t handed in the final quest then it will show as phased for you.

i deleted ALL my quests, i got cloak lvl 15 as well, i have had no issues before , i am in bfa time line, yet when i near blockade it phases me out, when i go back it phases me again, i am up to date with quests , in bfa as well, i got warmode on .

My sister had the same problem as you describe but once she finished the War Campaign she was no longer phased.

Try going back to Lor’themar at New Home in Naz’jatar and see if you can pick up the Visions of Danger quest.

i only have 1 quest at him that makes me get a rank 3 follower, it cannot be done allready on this alt, so its a bug

Are there soldiers near the gates? If so, you need to do the Broken Shore scenario. You can get the quest at the Warchief’s command board.

there is soldiers yes, alot but i am in bfa timeline and i completed the war campagin of bfa achievement

When you go out of Orgrimmar gates and go along the path (past the duelling area) do you see groups of soldiers?

Yes, but you still have to do the scenario unfortunately. My friend had the exact same problem, but we did the scenario and it got resolved.

There should also be NPC’s there, speak to Lor’themar (if I remember correctly) this will give you the cutscene and will finish the campaign for you.

speaking to lorthamar ontop of grommash keep doesnt do anything, he doesnt say anything to me

I didn’t mean on top of Grommash Hold, I was referring to outside the gates of Orgrimmar and a little down the path where you see groups of soldiers, is Lor’themar, Thalyssra and Jaina there as well? If so you need to speak to Lor’themar there to get a cut scene.

If they are not there then I am wrong in what I thought was the problem :frowning:

i dont see him there no :frowning:

Then I was wrong in what I thought the problem was, sorry I couldn’t help :frowning:

I hope others may come in with fixes, if not then it may be worth raising a ticket.

i cant find any solutions, what quest that may be related to the dranosh blockade that make me phase out, its a 110 boosted toon back then and i did all cloak legendary quest, and leveled him through dungeons and stuff , but some quest have dranosh blocakde phasing me to a lonely server …

Did you do the Broken Shore scenario like I told you to?

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