Can't start a pet battle with Bordin steadyfist?

I’m trying to finish a quest for the traveller’s log and defeating Master pet trainer Bordin steadyfist is on it. But I can’t seem to start a fight with him. He doesn’t give any options to press or even gives a quest. He only says something about dwarves being an expert son stones. I’ve tried to find a way to activate him, but I am fully lost.

Bordin Steadyfist is one of the Cataclysm Pet Tamers.

To battle him, you need to be on the quest

or to have completed it, and battling him as a daily quest.

According to your Pet Battle achievements

you have completed Taming Outland, but have not completed Taming Northrend.

Only when you finish Taming Northrend can you start the quest Battle Pet Tamers: Cataclysm and then you have to complete them in order. So you need to finish Northrend, then get the Cataclysm quest, then defeat Brok, and then you can challenge Bordin Steadyfist.

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Oh I see! I had no idea you had to have finished the other achievement. Thank you very much for the help!

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Just did (continued) this questline a week ago.

It’s a tricky one because it’s account-wide. So you cannot just start it from fresh on an alt (the pet trainer in Stormwind or Orgri). You gotta continue where you interrupted it. Best way to find that is looking in you pet battle achievements.

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