Can't start class hall campaign


Long story short, I want to get the Legion class mounts on my Monk and Priest, but I’m having trouble getting the initial quest for the class order hall campaign. I’ve contacted customer support, but they informed me that they cannot assist with this issue and suggested that I report the bug and seek help from the community. I’ve spent hours googling for a solution, but every time I find a similar problem, it doesn’t help me, or it doesn’t even list a possible solution

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I also asked on another forum and got a reply that worked for me.
Here is what the user typed to me:

"I had the same problem today. What I did:

  • Go to Stormwind
  • Take Legion quest from the hero board.
  • Go to harbour, choose the skip option.
  • Hand quest in in Dalaran.
  • Try heaps of things. The thing that worked for me was removing TWW main quest from my quest log.
  • Suddenly a quest giver walks up to me in Dalaran and gives me the quest."

so what worked for me was the last part to abandon the War within quest i had bing bada bom the quest giver showed up like magic :slight_smile:
hope this can help somebody else that find this post

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