Cant start Shadowlands-quest

Cant start the shadowlands quest “A Chilling Summons” since Mograine is not in his correct spot in Orgrimmar on my lvl 70 Char. I have tried everything from relogging to doing the intro quests to legion since that can supposedly screw with things but nothing. I am at my wits ends with this and nothing seems to work. All i want is the covenant-mogs. Anyone have any ideas or tips?

If you’re level 70, maybe try using the portal to oribos and then you should be prompted to either start shadowlands campaign or skip it and choose your covenant :blush:

I have the same issue and there are no NPCs either in Orgrimmar or Oribos to talk to. Nothing shows up in the quest log. I have low-level quests enabled.

Have you checked to see if the quest is available from the noticeboard in Stormwind?

You might need to accept a few quests form the board to get to to cycle through to it.

Issue resolved - there were no active quests present in my log but there was a story quest icon on the map for Ardenweald. It seems my character had partially started the campaign and needed to continue there.

Good evening, I’ve been trying to go quest in shadowlands with any character since the 20th anniversary came out, and I can’t, can help me in solving the problem, I’d like to go do some transmogrifications there.

I manage to go to Shadowlands by skipping or doing the prologue, then no more quest after that. thank you for helping me

Hello Khürokhan,

Looks like this thread was original about a different issue, but what you describe is a known issue currently, with a fix coming in 11.0.7. More here:

Will close this thread here to prevent confusion and keep info in one place.

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