Cant Strife anymore

I have a problem i cannnot strife with Q or E and neither can i strife while holding the mousebutton and pressing A or D

how do i fix this problem?

i reloaded, restarted ,disabled addons, reset keybind settings altough they were fine

and nothing works

any solutions?

It’s caused by the game not releasing dragon riding controls after doing some dragon riding. Simply get on your dragon mount, spend 1 vigor, and then dismount and it’s fixed :slight_smile:

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ohh yeah i gave it a break now i came back logged on another char and then back on my main that also worked thanks tho!

Didnt know about the spending 1 vigor, since when i had it it didnt fix by just getting on the mount and dismount again. But i fixed it by logging another char and then relogging back.

Edit: you found out yourself :slight_smile:

Yeah I found you need to spend 1 vigor to do something dragon related as it’s when you land again the game restores grounded movement.

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