Can't transfer to Living Flame (EU) - says there's mail in mailbox but i have no mail and no auctions

Can’t transfer to Living Flame (EU) - says there’s mail in mailbox but i have no mail and no auctions

Managed to move every other character except my main character, no mail, no auctions, just stuck, can’t seem to find a way to contact a GM in 2024 either

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You can only contact a GM for things they are able and allowed to assist you with, unless you deliberately mis-categorize your issue (hint).

This particular error, “items in mailbox”, you can usually rectify yourself. Check your ignore list, if someone you have ignored sent you mail, you won’t see the mail but it will still technically be in your mailbox.

Mailboxes can also be blocked by incoming auctions (either items or gold).

Finally, the one that trips most people up, is that some quests will trigger an NPC to send you a mail that will arrive a few days later. Its still technically in your mail box, you just can’t see it until the timer allows you to. I believe a week is the longest time for this.

They can’t help you over the forums however, as the forum staff are not GM’s.

thank you my good man

same issues

i think for me the issue is did the honouring a hero quest for the seasonal event, which includes you getting sent some mail 2 DAYS later :frowning:

trying to transfer to living flame on my last char but it doesnt initiate the transfer due to invisible mail in my mail box can some1 clear my mail from blizzard end ?

Hi there,

As Trovlak mentioned this is most commonly due to pending NPC mail.

You can read more about this here:

This is not something support will manually assist with, but you’ll need to wait for the mail to arrive in order to loot/delete it.

Seems to be fixed in US forums through this thread, EU still stuck

Hey, customer support is helping or clearing mail on US forums can we get that here?