Hello. I hit level 75 with my druid and the moment i added the Aggravate Wounds hero talent all my spells from action bars dissapeared. I placed them back with no problems, but a couple minute later i found out i can’t use my Dalaran and Garrison Hearthstones.
In my travel from i get the message that i can’t do that while pacified and in bear/cat/normal forms i get the message that i’m not eligible. Anyone encountered this and fixed it ?
Make sure you are using the toys from the toy collection rather than the actual items.
Dalaran and Garrison HS were converted to toys at some point in the past so you no longer need to have them in the inventory.
I do exactly that, yesterday for example and earlier today i’ve used a lot the respective toys, as i use this character to farm vanity items. It all happened after i ding to 75 and picked that Aggravated Wound talent.
Try killing your character, see if that fixes it. If not you can try queuing to arena skirmish as it removes buffs/debuffs when you enter including hidden ones.
Did both of them. I think it has something to do with the fact that i was transformed into something else thanks to trick or treat buckets from the inn. That was what i was doing at the time.
For the Garrison Hearthstone, have you done the introduction quests to unlock your Garrison? I am pretty sure you have to unlock your Garrison in Draenor to use it. You can do that by talking to Chromie in your capital and selecting the Warlords of Draenor questing scenario.
Yes i did, as i mentioned in a previous replay, i used the toys many times before this happened.
My bad, didn’t see that.
I skimmed through some forums and found someone who had the same issue. It seems that “Exiting WoW and deleting the cache folder” fixed it for them. The error was caused by the cache folder being corrupt.
Thanks for checking out. Still not working after i deleted cache folder.
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