Cash grab is real with racials

Baldurs gate 3 is not a competitive MMO

Don’t matter BG3 was just an example, WoW’s an RPG based on DnD.

People swapping races for advantage deserve to get taken advantage of too :nerd_face:


Neither is WoW.

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Its also a meta driven competitive multiplayer game. Dont get me wrong, i agree with you to some extent. In a perfect world there was no meta and anyone could play anything on a even playingfield, but you can’t deny that meta gaming and DnD rules dont play well together.

Not to you maybe, and certainly not to me, i stepped away from the competitive scene years ago, for exactly the reasons OP is talking about.

Blizzard tried to get arena to be Esports in TBC/Wrath they failed… there is no competitiveness to WoW… there is no money on the line…

The true cutting edge pro people who would need the racial as a path to victory can use them.
Anyone else doing this just because it’s optimal yeah that’s a choice.

Being excluded because of your class/race is not a choise though, its a symptom of the meta disease that plagues online gaming. You are absolutely right that to the majority of players it doesn’t actually matter, as 99.9% of us dont fully utilize it anyway, and for the most part dont even need that extra 1% performance, but people still play that way, and since meta gaming isn’t going anywhere, maybe racials should, just to even out the playingfield a little.

I like racials. I think they can add a lot of flavor to the game, but it is of critical importance that they balance them regularly like they would a class, and if they do that they have to shut down or are least severely limit changing race, because frankly it is a bit weird in the first place and unacceptable as a part of the progression path.

I think the current situation is the worst of both worlds really.

Blizzard’s been doing this forever. I’m glad people are noticing it. Yes the imbalance is done on purpose to get as many people as possible to race change.

From my POV if they make a change that has an impact then they should allow players to change for free. The kicking point is when they make a new race like they did with the worgen crit buff. Adding new races with impacting buff should also allow a racial swap. Don’t milk the community; it already pays for the game as well as a subscription.

If you remove Vulpera make camp and return to camp, I will riot

I don’t think whatever has happened is a cash grab, just the usual incompetence.

I think non-compative scene should die off as they are always trying to kill competive scene.

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What’s wrong with night elf?

No, just disable them in rated content. Extreme ideas like that they’ll give you a job at Blizzard

I don’t know why people are bothered so much about racials, especially that we now have cross faction. Go ahead and play the most OP race/class combination, who’s stopping anyone from doing so?

Similarily, everyone is free to throw as much money at Blizzard as they wish, or level characters, or whatever floats their boat.

I really don’t see the issue here. Racials give the races uniqueness and incentivize players to pick them even if they aren’t as visually appealing or interesting.

Some players are competitive and will min/max the hell out of their characters while others are more lenient and casual.

Why ruin every good thing in this game?

If min-maxers want to subsidise a few more devs, crack on. (Although that’s pretty wishful on my part, radically thinking that profits could be invested into QA rather than thrown at dividends…)

I’m pretty happy with what Blizz are doing here. VE and LFD tweaks are most welcome!

mate, dwarf is op af too…

tbh no one will race change or boost to test a racial. All those can be easily tested in a new toon and they do not offer much of an advantage (the ones they are changing).

Now IF they wanted to get money from those, they would just remove them altogether.

You wouldn’t believe the number of people that are dwarves/ne/trolls/orcs for the racials and how quickly they would change 3/5/10 characters out of that race if they would have the option.

Can we rename the buffed Worgen racial to “zoomies”?