Cash grab is real with racials

Everybody moves over to Night elf

Everybody complains about Night Elf

Instead of nerfing Night elf

you buff other races…

people will now either race transfer, boost or level a new character to test them, then realise they still aren’t worth it with a lot of people transfering back to Night Elf…


I’m of the opinion that racials should all be changed to cool visuals, or other non-competitive QoL abilities such as the Nightborne’s mailbox racial. No more balancing issues - and the potential for some really cool racial-themed fun.

And I know it won’t happen, but one can dream.


Do away with racials, replaced by a mix and match system of abilities and passives accessible to all, regardless of race, from the categories of Offensive, Defensive and Utility, similar to League of Legend’s Runes system;

We’d start seeing more variety in races played then.

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I’m of the opinion that the competetive scene should die because people like that try to ruin fun stuff for non competitive players like me.


This sounds like a good compromise tbh. I’d very much still want racials to be racial flavour thrown in for variety, but a template for everyone to pick and choose from seems reasonable for the competitive angle.

Meanwhile goblin racial “best deals anywhere” has been useless for so many expansions now.

Basically what it does is give you a discount on vendors like you were exalted with their factions even when you’re not.

This racial hasnt worked in ages because every expansion uses their own currency instead of gold.
Also if a vendor isnt part of a rep group then the racial doesnt work at all.

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Some racials should just be disabled in the instances and that’s about it. And I actually think that it would allow to rework racials to be a lot more fun and meaningful, when they do not affect competitive content. Like nothing wrong about one-shotting one quest mob every few minutes with Lightforged Draenei racial.

This is actually a damn shame.
It only works for gold and factions?
Indeed that breaks a lot of the utility
Edit: also nelf wears armor best.
Best racial :crazy_face:

They could make powerful racial even now, could care less about competitive environment.
Is the competitive environment that should be shaped by racial existing, not the other way around.

If all had powerful racials you would see a lot more diversity even in competitive environment, some would still end up on top but that’s the life of “Meta”.

But for sure Night Elf racial will always be more powerful compared to idk Mag’har 2 min “give pitful amount of random stat” and the passives are even worse than the active. 10% pet health, and 10% less duration on some dot you wanna dispel anyway.

So instead of disabling night elf fun ability in content. actually rework, Mag’har one to actually be a choice.

Bli££ard has used racials since day one to manipulate people who min max advantages in the game. They didn’t have racial transfers available in vanilla, so the original intent was not about cash grabs. It was very much about a cash grab in expansions after that though. The introduction of the Worgen being the most prominent in my mind. I find it hard to believe that Bli££ would even consider removing racials from the min max environment.

Who is this ‘everybody’ you’re talking about?

Who is this ‘everybody’ you’re talking about?


No, this is a rpg in the end

i had totally forgotten that the weekend had started :yawning_face: :popcorn:

they are talking about themselves in everybody accronym :slight_smile:

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It is a tiny minority of players who would get value from swapping to a race with better racials. Unless you are a top 1% player, you’d be better served just getting better at the game and your class.

Anyone outside of that cohort purchasing a race swap for the purpose of enhancing their performance is like a fool purchasing fancy new trainers before they even start running 3 times a week.

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Racials are dumb and should be removed.

Race is a cosmetic choice and should not impact gameplay performance in any way

WoW’s an RPG based off DnD rules, which have been around since the 70s… Racials is a core part of your character…

Then don’t make them so mandatory for people to switch between for the people who hunt the 1% edge over someone else.

I am not that kind of person to care for that.

But i am sure some hardcore guild somewhere have kicked or declined people for being “The wrong race”

Just because its an old rule, dosn’t make it a good rule. A lot of old rules are pretty poorly thought out. You dont move forwards by clinging to the past.

Never picked a toon because of their racial… looks yes. its just sheep that has the issue it seems? Like it used to be undead was the bees knees if you PvP… But who would roll one of them for looks lol… and unless you are doing worlds first raid and that is made up lol… who cares?

Stop talking nonsense, DnD still uses racials today… Baldur’s Gate 3 is immensely popular. Your suggestion is no different to saying to remove dice rolls.