Caster VS Melee

I can’t understand why need ruin this game and developers thinking +dmg solve the problems. Blizz want made pvp content but can’t create balance

These are my views usually except mage
cast time usually 1,5-1,8 sec more if i play with ele shaman and i get dmg vs instant its ok but i write under why problem

  • casted heals 1,3sec± but need 3-4 till hp will fine(we lose lot of dps on target) -vs- 1 isntant skill whitch give 30-40% instant hp

-casters mobility close zero locks can use gateway (i used with talent so more range but warrior used heroic leap and the distance was 0 again) demonic circle what i used too but warrior dh dk rouge can catch easily while i can’t keep distance …

caster need CAST block skills whiches keep 2 sec only. have fear but we need cast too and melee has 2-3 skill block skill minimum with 5-7 sec period. So 1,5(stun cast)+2sec stun while i cast ONLY 1 skill -vs- 1sec(skill block) +5-7sec(stun silence elements block ect+DMG skills every blocked sec

  • mobility:
    Casters close nothing -vs- jump hook pull rush ect
  • speed:
    i used spirit wolf with elemental shaman + pvp talent + i used frost shock and monk dh paladin catch me easily coz they are more faster than me with + speed talents???

So i want ask Blizz you really think + DMG solve our problem?
Should start listen to players not only your mind…


Blizzard ruin some range spec by pruning abilities. They must return all pruned things baseline (especially for warlocks). +dmg can’t solve clunky mechanic and small possibilities window problems.

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