I think maybe you’re just getting unlucky or an l2play issue because dh is litterally never a target over something else not to mention you are always only a vengful retreat or fel rush from a pillar so easy to get away too
It’s always the wizards that have barely stepped into an arena that vomit out those clueless takes.
Another day in the office vs triple caster:
And endless screenshots I have, but yep, Enha is the problem eeeeeeeeeeh
And yet again you only show pictures where you are doing bad.
70% win rate in 3s.
52% win rate in SS.
But you are complaining you dont have higher.
I finish last season top 2 with Enha being the worst mele with 3520 cr, now Enha is better and im losing vs casters with 2200 exp. Totally skilled yep
Congratz I guess? Its funny though since I do see pictures on discords where Enh has both dmg and healing above everyone else from time to time. But the way you keep talking its like Enh is still bad while having 70% winrate in 3s.
Totally not strong Yep, totally bad Yep.
Or are you somehow saying you only faced caster cleaves 30% of your games?
In 1600 cr, congrats. That is the maximum cr you can get. Above 2k the amazing OFFENSIVE CDS get stop every single cd.
So you are avoiding you having 70% winrate in 3s where the game is supposed to be more “balanced” around and not entirely on SS?
And you are saying at higher rating, Enh shamans are so bad they cant win any game because everytime they use any offensive cd they get shut down?
Thats quite impressive.
It isn’t hard to see or stop enh offence CDs outside of some Wild big procs and crits with deep rooted… like
Idek why people are yapping on about it
It’s great to see Enh not be a joke and punching bag
They don’t have MS ffs
- I never “yapped” about it, I said Enh is strong and not bad. Globaling ppl should not exist even if its procs, id rather they changed it and buffed something else instead to even it out.
- He keeps downplaying how good Enh currently is and keep screaming on how overpowered every caster is. When you have 70% winrate in 3s during a caster meta, and him playing apparently a build thats easy to stop and hes complaining as much as hes doing, its almost like hes under 50%.
- I have no issues with any spec being good or strong, its just looks rly bad when ppl downplays it or exaggerates things. I know this is the forum, but lately its been quite the show.
You’d only whine about omg I just got x4 Windfury crits and x2 stormstrikes for loads of my hp?!
I’d rather vs Enhance any game compared to most of the current casters in the meta and I care a total of 0% for Win rate, it isn’t a reliable statistic to track and benchmark against
I don’t think you do it intentionally but you just seem on the windup
Casters are solid , enjoy it and dial back the " yeah but melee! … " narrative
Ppl will always whine, but its easier to “balance” things that dont global ppl.
I would say its mostly the same for casters though in the end, there are def some casters which are overtuned but there are also casters who shine more due to those being overtuned. Dps is a rly weird way to argue dot spec vs ST spec, but it will be interesting to see Enh with their 4set even if its nerfed.
Winrate explains to me he has an easier time winning in 3s where its more “balanced” but it does not say hes not having a hard time in RSS.
I can seem abit of the windup every now and then even if im not rly, I just get abit tired when ppl keep going on the same line over and over and only provide the bad side of their story but never provides anything of the good and wise-versa on the other side.
Being on the forum is somehow abit addicting, I should just stop arguing at these random things x)
Thing is, I want everyone to be able to enjoy their spec and I dont like when its only one meta or one spec that shines (like rets in 10.0.7) but its also annoying when ppl go around exaggerating things to benefit their story.
I like watching PvP on streams and discuss with streamers/ppl about current state etc.
Plz blizzard save the game and quickly nerf casters. The game is unfun and basically unplayable atm. Also nerf sub rogues.
Plenty of other things out there that ’ Global ’ people
I globaled a Rdruid, should I get nerfed?
Sub rogue doing 500k ST? should they get nerfed?
Fury warrior can 100-0 real quick?
It’s easier to cry foul about a lot of things, Ele getting loads of procs… it goes on and on
What are you even going on about? I replied to you claiming win rate and stats?
There is a dK who has a negative w/l and playing R1. MMR is far more important
It isn’t this monochrome mate. Casters are great , that is all there is to it
It doesn’t need to be 50/50 argument
nobody exaggerating
Everyone is saying it’s a caster meta , it’s just some casters don’t want to face that they got an easy time cos they want to PVE melee down for free free 40 yrds
So we should not complain about ppl globaling is the take I get from this x)
And I do hope you know what global means.
Winrate at 70% in 3s this early in the season is not bad. But I guess unless you are at 2400+ MMR nothing else matters?
You argued winrate dont show anything while I say it shows something even if its not everything. But I kinda have the feeling you only target RSS while I mainly try to focus on 3s. Statistics shows differently between those 2 brackets.
Generalizing is the issue I pointed towards it. Casters are great, but does that mean every caster have it easy? Or if you nerf, like some ppl seems to want to do… “Every caster” how would it look like in the end?
Ppl do not have the capacity to think on these lines, they just want to Zug Zug nerfs quite simple x)
Quite a bold claim to say nobody is exaggerating x)
Yes, and if I dont remember it wrong, during melee meta it were the exact same thing for them. Whoever has it easier, is the ones who want to “PvE”
Should there be some nerfs? Yes. Should there be every nerf ppl say? No.
No offence but you’re like 1600 no? Idk man you are always on here trying to create this 50 / 50 argument narrative with casters and melee
You’ve been disproven time and time again and you just refuse to accept it?
It gets tiring honestly
you take 3-5 working days to reply
yeah means XXL papa johns right?
two opinions
Only mine had some substance to it with the DK example
Due to precog , i’d argue it could be a whole lot damn worse yeah
Then you factor in instant cast dmg - take conflag and boomkin for example
Then take in Warlocks being raid bosses for some classes - I do NO significant damage to Demo warlocks, it’s hilarious and troll with soul leech doing 4.2m healing over 6rounds , as a passive?
We can be here all day
I used to think casters took more skill, but it’s really just pressing buttons… cast poly…omg outplay’d him. Ring of frost. omg I’m a beast, Frozen orb ice lance ice lance dang… carried that
Casters will always have CC available, and when half decent at the game are able to play
When casters are oppressive it’s hug pillar after Go and it’s the casters game to lose rather than yours to win
So whats your rating that clearly proves that you are the superior one then considering you brought up my rating as argument x)
Can you explain to me, in what way I have been “disproven time and time again”
“3-5 working days to reply”. nobody is exaggerating
So because its DK its relevant while its not compared to others.
So you are saying every caster has it easy. So I do expect you to get high rating within a week on every caster spec.
Every caster → Lets bring up the most obv overtuned ones.
You are generalizing every caster, so explain on every spec what makes it easy and just dont bring in the most obv ones.
And you are trying to say its harder to play as melee?
Its quite funny where you are basically calling out my rating and thats why im wrong but talking like you have the correct answer yourself.
And I actually apologize if I can look at specs and dont generalize casters as one and melees as one.
I can partly understand when something is too strong and discuss about it, but there are some people who deem it the wrong way to do because all they see is one thing.
Quite narrow sighted isnt it?
peaked 1850 in 3s in legion
Achieved a couple of Rivals pre-soloshuffle
Usually play <500 games a season and multi-class and go back to farming tmog and mounts
Statistics have been shown and linked , and you still argue in other threads
The class is irrelevant, the example was valid, and still stands, and dismisses your benchmark regarding WR% as an indicator. Get overit
this your catch phrase?
I hate playing fotm sadly, if you paid attention to my posts , you’d know
I might play my Dragon soon though
Quite a few of them isn’t there
Precog makes it a lot easier
More reliable CC
Solid damage / overpowered profiles on most of the specs
more waffle
I called out your rating because the Enh shaman above couldn’t seem to get any sense into you…
Perhaps have some introspection and consider why different people say the same things to you?
The irony is insurmountable holy moly…
I’m done
every time I try to get it through to you casters are golden right now
You just go on and on and on and on and on
Just… stop…
Couple of rivals, so you are hiding a characters achievements?
So which ones? Its interesting you are saying that, so link where I have been proven completely wrong and said something else entirely the entire time.
So you are still going on with your point being valid while someone elses is wrong when its the same thing. Only the one you showed were a DK with lower winrate in RSS.
So you are not saying it?
Thats usually what ppl say x)
So now its most of the specs?
During caster meta I agree.
During melee meta I disagree.
Sense into me? So him downplaying Enh means I have to agree with it when they arent bad? Infact they are strong?
So alot of ppl on the forum say Enh is bad according to you and infact not good/strong.
So you called out my rating for not agreeing a spec not being bad.
The irony is that you only see through one simple thing, you cant seem to comprehend any deep thinking. No offense but its normal.
You trying to get into me that I cannot have my own thinking but have to agree with what ppl like you say is quite… Amazing. You brought my rating up while being low yourself.
And somehow, you seem to be quite ignorant.
I never once said casters are bad, I infact even said some are overtuned and its a caster meta but you seem to be trying to change what I say.
Sorry but, people who try to change what others say just to have an argument on their side… cough
This is where you are going wrong and displaying your ignorance
oMg EnH bUrSt pLz nUrF
hehehe no you
Great one
it isn’t about changing what others say
It’s about educating you to understand when you’re fundamentally wrong
Enhance is easy to counter
Casters have it quite good at the moment
It isn’t 50/50
Your benchmark was
Big lol