Him only showing pictures everytime hes doing bad is not downplaying? I guess hes showing them being good! I applaud you for seeing through it!
“Trust me bro”
And yet again, you cant seem to actually stay on the line with what I write, changing the story yet again. Lmao, actually starting to get funny xd thank you!
Yea… Your rating vs mine is def you trying to educate me. Theres actually some golden eggs in this forum who actually are pretty good at explaining. You are not one of them since I dont go with “trust me bro”.
Ah yes, thats the normal answer.
Never said anything different, just you trying to make it like I did.
You only see 0/100, I understand ppl can only see one thing at a time, cant be easy though x)
Which benchmark? Where I said Enh isnt bad? Where I said some casters are overtuned?
Your comments make absolutely no sense. I can make an outlaw rogue right now and go q 3’s with 3 friends and snipe placements giving me a solid ~28-2 score . Thats 90%+ winrate . Does this mean outlaw is.broken ? Up untill a certain point a highly / mediate skilled person can get a goood winrate . Now let’s see what’s going on after 2.3k mmr ( shuffle ) where people actually are somewhat decent . . . I tell you what happens from an enhance pov . You proc , you get ccd to oblivion. You press your lust, you get dispelled. You press your magical doomwinds ( 8 sec duration btw ), you get either kited or cced. Now what happens when a wlock presses his offensives ? NOTHING because his damage is absurd outside of them . Same goes for boomkins.
I think a ton of melee because of season 1 forgot how to play. Season 1 was a total ZUG ZUG the caster all game and ignore everything else fiesta. Melee would just run their PvE rotation and a caster couldn’t do anything even if he wanted. Now finally when you can’t just ZUG ZUG in a ton of melee are complaining. I see this constantly in my games at 1900-2000 rating. Warriors just leap + charge behind pillars after casters and get stomped and later they cry about casters being so OP! Maybe after a few months of casters actually being viable we’ll finally stop seeing ZUG ZUGs every single solo shuffle and everyone will be happy?
You might want to read what ive said when it comes to it. I said it shows partly not entirely and I said to remove things that globals ppl (actually killing ppl in a global) and buff the other parts for more sustain.
US ranking for Enh shamans are 5th and 7th place. (3s) These 2 Enh are apparently the same person, but Enh is not doing bad in 3s, that was my entire point with it.
Wowarenalogs will also have somewhat nice info in roughly 2 weeks even if it dont show everything.
If you are dealing 20k DPS you are bad.
Also these are all caster games, of course it’s gonna be harder for a single melee to do anything, the same way when I play boomkin into a 3x melee game my life is miserable and I deal half my normal DMG.
Look at some videos of high rated Enhs, they ending games with easy 50k DPS and they oneshoting people through CDs.
Also boomkin, spriest, affli lock are AoE / Rot classes right now, they deal a lot more dmg, but their dmg is spread between all targets - your wolfs included, when I play vs Demo as Feral I do 200k DPS if I AoE rip all his demons, does useless DMG make me OP?
Their ST DMG is a lot weaker and they rarely can do solo kills or oneshots like for example Enh. Just looking at DMG is dumb. You can get some “free rating” in lower rating where healers are bad, but as soon as you hit 2000 rating you actually start having more and more games with good healers where this rot dmg is useless and burst is a lot more important.
I know cause I hit 2000 rating with the Starfall AoE build and I feel sometimes like I hit a wall, cause half of games I actually do nothing cause healers just throw in a hot or single AoE into their rotation and most of my AoE DMG disappears.
You a high rated Enha Shaman and you barely do 20k DPS?
So you just a liar that ignored his games with 100k DPS where you oneshot the whole enemy team through CDs, cause that would prove you are OP and you decided to throw a game or two just to be able to make fake 20k DPS screenshots?
“As I said, vs Paco can work, vs Whaaz, Lontar, Raiku, Infernion etc, trust me, It doesn’t work ”
Weird cause I just did a search on YouTube and I see top of the ladder games where Enhs oneshot even the top 1% of players. So it seems that it sometimes works even vs the types of “Whaaz, Lontar, Raiku, Infernion etc”
The person above you showed an amazing twitch clip, yes its low rating, yes its vs noobs, yes they didn’t use CDs, but even then no class in my opinion should be able to press one macro to pop CDs, walk up to you and kill you in 1-2 secs even if you are AFK and do nothing. And that is what we see Sub rogues and Enh doing all the time.
And seriously is your answer to a class killing 3 ppl in like not even 10 sec - yeah but if you played vs the World Champions you wouldnt be able to do that? Are you serious? I trust you about the top 1%, but now you trust me, saying you can’t kill the top 1% with this and that means it ain’t OP is the dumbest thing I’ve read in a long time and you should just stop.
Well… you’re not, as much as you wanna convince yourself otherwise and that it’s the healers’ faults. I’ve got my SP to 2300 mmr with a 64% win rate in 60 rounds. All you have to do is stand on a pillar and press stun silence on the healer every 45 seconds lmao
What mobility im maining spriest rn. I can’t get away from melee, I can only drag you away whilst your zugzug brain trains me to death and you just line your healer or something.