Casters are BROKEN

Individuals like yourself that are on private, come to troll and offer 0 value into discussion make these forums a worse place

Looks like you have full time job writing in WoW forums :slight_smile:

Still about rng and not a skill
Your post history is funny af

Melee is easier so it is normal there are less melee at low rating
Make it make sense

Amazing you are the most entitled person I have met in my life. I would say you missed attention from your parents when you were child :slight_smile:

:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

The game is not balanced around 3.5k MMR which is 0.1% of the playerbase… Just because something doesn’t work vs the world champions in 3v3 does not mean it is not OP, it’s just the world champions know how to properly counter that thing that is OP and 99% of the playerbase does not know how to properly counter it.

There are a ton of OP stuff that world champions don’t play cause it’s for example random - easy example Evoker oneshot, it was really really OP and still is pretty strong when it happens, but because it’s random you didn’t see it almost at all in 3.5k, BUT that doesnt mean it wasnt super OP and broken and unfair.

Just because you can CC the Sham on CDs and kite him does not mean his burst is not OP and he does’t oneshot you if you misplay in any way.

You could say that about everything. Boomkin OP? Just CC him and LOS. Got hit for a 500k Fire Breath? Just CC him and LOS. Got hit by 300k Chaos Bolt? Just CC him and LOS. Got oneshot by Enh Sham? Just CC him on CDs. Retri was OP? Just CC him on wings. Easy GG!

“Is like telling a Bodybuilder how to workout only because you only go to the gym xD”
It’s more like a country where everyone is poor and starving and the dictator has everything and the dictator saying - living in my country is amazing, just look at my life!

You keep using the 1% of the playerbase to justify something is not OP, cause the 0.1% dont play it or know how to counter it. Still doesn’t change the fact that 99% have a bad experience because of it. You balance games around the majority of players, not the minority, that’s just common sense, unless you want the 99% to leave and find a better game. Good luck with that.

there is no need to say more.

It’s still early season, people don’t have full gear and a ton of melee don’t understand they can’t just ZUG ZUG all game like last season.

Most of the time melee classes scale better with gear than casters. If in a week or two we are still in a caster meta and better gear doesn’t help melee scale better I’d say do changes then.

Nah bro , this does NOT work agains whaazz raiku lontar infernion whovere u want . I’m watching their streams daily , and when they play, first of all they brutalise every turbo they face and the only comp that migjt beat them is sub / enhance with some random crits from the SUB . Stuff like 140k 140k 80k in 1 global ( that’s not bwing talked about btw ). Enhance doomwinds is 8 sec duration for 1.5 min cd . Incarn is 2 min cd for what? 4 times the duration . Avatar is 20 seconds duration , shadowblades is 20 sec duration . Enhance has 8 sec duration on his main cd . He might proc , sure , but as he can proc you can disarm / port / clone / bash w/e you do . Or sometimes even tank it .

Demon hunters mostly can do 70k dps during his 30 sec CD :smiley: DH is the only one dps who has an unstoppable dps

That was a great laugh

Casters are broken because melee classes are broken.

Would you like some broken with that broken

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