Casters are BROKEN

Good for you. You knew it came with no mobility

Fake cast or tank kicks

you already know the strat

“You knew it came with no mobility.”

Ok! You knew melee would be tough into double caster, now stop complaining. Mr, infinite mobility.

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Cry harder babycakes

Aren’t you the one crying about casters being broken when dmg is pretty nutty from all sides? DH damage is good, fury is nutty. Sub/Enhance literally one shotting. Arms is solid, but not broken it seems, ww is good, ret is good. I swear all melee have good DPS right now, you just can’t play like you did season 1.

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Give me your dealers contact details man :smoking:

Yeah , it’s alright but it isn’t effective, this comes from Tren not myself just to give you a heads up

Sub is busted when they know how to do the set ups for ST true, Fury does bang true
Enhance burst can be countered , and it’s great to see them bang

this is your pov from being trained all game as a spriest. Utilise precog before they remove or nerf it

You mention some ‘good’ melee
Meanwhile - Warlocks Boomkins :joy:

How do you want the fights to go down genuinely?
Do you want spriest to have loads of mobility?
Do you want to be able to stand mid and destroy people from range?

Why you crying about casters, melee are absolutely fine. You guys don’t think smart about your mobility, literally zugzug.

Warlocks, destro isn’t getting 4 set, so it’s not gonna scale when everyone has 4 set, where other classes will.
Boomie 100% needs a nerf, i’ve never said otherwise, but don’t you think the majority of people know it?
Sub 100% needs a nerf. Get above 1300 and sub makes the game even more unplayable than any other class right now.
Enhance 100% needs a nerf, buff it’s constant dmg or whatever and get rid of this one shot.
DH has insane mobility, a decent kit and pretty good damage. Pretty sure boomie/dh is one of the best 3’s comp right now? :slight_smile:

General bit of advice for shuffle. If you seriously wanna climb it, your part of the problem why your not climbing if your sat there blaming casters at 1300 who I gaurentee will be doing the most demon things.

Wrong , try again

Plenty of us hide pillar , try to los , consider what is most value interupt

Doesn’t fix the issue rn does it

Maybe , and there is nearly 1 in every lobby , even low rating where I play
Flap Flap bang

thanks! maybe next I will get 1400 and see it! :crazy_face:

Go watch some of the Enh streamers , and do a bit of digging. There’s another build that pumps 50-60k dps. You’d cry and ask for nerfs it you were on the receiving end, specially being a spriest with shaman disruption. The one shot is more preferable

In 3s, largely due to the current state of boomkin :slight_smile:

Yes , DH has ‘insane’ mobility, which it has had since its inception. Thank you for adding that captain obvious, take it away and they become target dummies
The kit is decent one minute but then omg simple 1-2-3 smoothbrain ?

I’m one week behind on vault, no gems enchants tier set and x1 weapon across both my DHs. No embellishments just blue gear effectively. for the overwhelming majority of my games i’ve used a very sub obtimal build

Shuffle is a lot of Rng and your partners make a huge difference. If people don’t use their defensives , there is nothing I can do

thanks for the advice

Edit- casters don’t have to work anywhere near as hard , even at 1300. You will see some straight monkey things, but when you can pump like a mega blaster with instants… it just doesn’t matter

Your points are actually all invalid, you just seem like the type of person to not use darkness in a critical moment and then say “OMG” in all capitals, when you had stuff to use.

Typing back that much to me is crying though my dude, somebody get this man a tissue. Melee not being on top has affected this mans mental.

cry more this is better than zugzug brainless war/ret/insert random melee here

Enjoy getting zugzug to death on the spriest

Thanks, im doing pretty solid so far.

You actively chose to mention the one caster with no mobility to prove a point that didn’t exist. You also play warlock.
Do you want to pve in mid ?

Not really played much lock this season, got 1800 and a few 3’s to cap to stay on top of gear, will pick it up later in the season. Pretty sure lock is tanky to other casters, melee rip through it’s defensives fairly quickly.

Ele is pretty balanced rn with not too much mobility either, there’s another caster. :slight_smile:

Nice thanks for sharing

Some melee, Demo are raid bosses to me, maybe I need weap + enchants etc


Well you said I play lock, I really haven’t this season. Getting 1800 and just capping isn’t ‘playing’ Destro got it’s nerfs + doesn’t benefit from 2 or 4 set. Be dumb to nerf it again now to then have to buff it later in the season.

Demo casts a lot more now, isn’t that what melee wanted? Casters to cast? Is that not good enough, or?

Isn’t really playing
Reached 1800
Magically logged in with it
Teach me louloudots

I haven’t said nerf destro have I. not explicity, I’ve just said they are overtuned , and I’m fully aware it will change as the season goes on
But that doesn’t help my garbanzo backside at 1300 now does it?
Every lobby usually has 1 of the top casters in
DH might seem like it has a great kit
But its partner brain reliant
Darkness bro? - They walk out , nearly every single time
Line of sight bro? - Improving on this , but other dps die , whether caster doing 0 interupts over 6 rounds, or casting 2 polymorphs over 6 rounds , if that. You getting the picture yet?

I have no idea mate. I don’t see them doing huge damage to me and I’ve seen Tyrant do tour de Black Hold Arena with the AI having a troll. But for me , they can tank me all game pretty much

On a serious note, of course you’ll find better melee at your rating
People actually press their abilities there , and have a level of game awareness
I am not good enough , and don’t have enough gear at the moment to fully carry
I’m searching for a solution lol

Melees are fine, players are bad. Enjoy

I mean I got 3k + last season as destro. I know how shuffle works, I know how to play it, 1800 wasn’t exactly hard was it? I couldn’t lose rating because my mmr was a lot higher, so again it wasn’t exactly difficult.

Coming to the forums and complaining about everything won’t help your 1300 backside either, just playing will and understanding other classes will, and seeing what you could of done better that game instead of “this guys is a dog” I’ve literally found that i’d rather play aggressive and have the animals go on me and hope my team mate can just do enough dmg whilst I go through defensives and setup.

On a serious note, you actually don’t find better melee at my rating, or mmr. I think maybe ferals are an exception, a good feral is very noticable, same with a rogue when they aren’t giga busted. Others just seem very zugzug but that’s how shuffle works. You don’t even try to play it like normal 3’s, should be way more yolo.

Boomie 100% will get tuning, you’d be coping to think it won’t if your a boomie player.
Fire mage probably will too, most boring playstyle i’ve faced I think. Sit behind a pillar and top damage and come in with burst then see ya again, with arguably the best caster mobility.

However, damage is giga high from so many classes considering it was supposed to slow down.

I don’t , I do not make threads crying , I troll myself actively and never make out im a good player and deserve to be higher. Just for reference. I just agree with threads that acknowledge that at the moment casters are blasting and having a great time. Unfortch that some are in hard denial and still think melee hold all the cards

I’m working on this and reviewing my games this weekend. Not exaggerating here but half the games feel unwinnable. Frost mages not blocking against MM hunter dying 20seconds after gates

This is my bias here but if you mean that, I think I know why. Melee are limited in what they can do. Which further feeds into my point that sometimes it’s the casters game to lose, opposed to the melees to win.

Or a FOTM :poop: Reroller , which seem everyFwhere.

I played about 10 games on Firemage a week or so ago. Haven’t played mage since Cata , got rekt haha. This was before the ignite bug btw (I had no idea how it works)

Yeah agree

At 1300 Sub rogues have no idea how to play most of the time. They play like warriors and just chase people doing 12k dps. Funniest thing I’ve ever seen

I’ve got a lot of recordings of my games, when I get round to it i’ll edit them and bang them on YT. I don’t expect many will watch , but it might give some lols to what goes on

I’m always up for tips and insight

Dude don’t waste your energy and time arguing with Slinks. It is pointless.

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