Casters in pvp

Do you even have a way to deal with them?
Let me guess, “just play spellwards duuuuuh”, ye, doesn’t do anything really, literally any caster can just either stand still and eat away at ur burst, kite you to death via no drs on fears/roots, “just use freedom”, I’d love to, it’s dispensabile tho or stolen by mages, " play sanc?", sure, I’m playing sanc, a warlock just has to wait 5 seconds to spam fear me or just stand still with their tank hp pools and afk cast.

Really now, is there even a point when you’re forced to face full casters in shuffle to even play, is it?
What’s left for me to do, to ignore the 2 set as well, god forbit playing with the pathetic 4 set bonus, get the hp pvp trinket and afk hug a pillar and pray to Jesus, or in any diety you belive in that your team can 2v3?

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It works in 3s if you are paired with another S-tier dps, preferably melee. Sit on the caster and pillar hug when you don’t have crusade up. It sucks, but it’s the only way. It does depend on the map though, good warlocks can kite well on certain maps making it virtually impossible.

Ye, basically, get lucky to get the good player and a walking sponge caster :upside_down_face:

I’m literally at the point where I just play full cleave, to cope with seeing the dmg done being on par with the single target with most of the specs and just spam and let rng do it’s magic to get to 1.8 and not care about pvp until next season.
Sure, march rets, directly after the rework, were overtuned, however, that’s because the whole rework was to just give us more dmg and nothing else, just more dmg, like what did they expect really to occur with such changes?

And now we’re back to being bottom feeders, surviving via the ignorance of others who yell “RET BROKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN, NEEEEEEEEEEEERF IT”

It’s so cool :upside_down_face:

Agree, especially versus frost mage in solo shuffle, mage got blink and dispatch, you got tons of roots and can’t even kick ray of frost, and got damaged like half hp, freedom insta dispelled.
Yes, in 3s ret feeling good, but not in solo it’s just cringe.
When ret got not dispellable freedom, there was a lot of crying from mages, but now u just got owned by frost mages. With strong heals and two ice blocks u really can do nothing.
Ret got good cleave dmg vs melee, but casters just destroying ret

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