Casters need a disarm

caster dont need anything more

next silly post>

So, you’re telling me a SP can effectively kite a Warrior with fear? Since calling me delusional implies you think otherwise?

Why would he kite a warrior first? Could you please explain? Literally every decent SP player knows that he the purpose of SP mobility isn’t to kite but to push for CC on the healer. So I don’t know what are you smoking but smoke half

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Good Lord. I did not say that was the case whatsoever. Here. I’ll simplify it for you even more so it can register in that pea brain of yours.

Point A.

‘Rebuttal A’

Response B.

‘Rebuttal’ B in response to the aforementioned quote about fearing Warriors.

My only input.

Take your meds, you’re seeing too many things that aren’t there.

crys in BM/MM Hunter

wheres my Disarm?

im a caster RIGHT!?

jokes aside.

stop, casters dont need disarm

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Ofc not. Steller needs some medicines instead

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Focused Will
Angelic Feather
Body and Soul
Translucent Image
Strength Of Soul
Phase Shift
Void Tendrils
Powerword Shield
Crystalline Reflection
Angelic Bulwark
Flash Heal
Protective Light
Improved Fade
Vampiric Embrace
Psychic Scream
Vampiric Touch
Devouring Plague
Psychic Horror
Mind Control

That’s pretty good toolkit to fend of and deal with Warriors atm. Way better what Mages have.


Hey guys all good, gonna get this Warrior off my back here, gonna use my:

Other irrelevant abilities

To get away from him.

Let me cast my Mind Control…oh kicked. Nvm I’ll try again. Oh, bolted. Okay, let me try again. Oh, spell reflect. Okay, I’ll try again. Oh, bladestorm. Okay, now I can surely land it. Oh, kicked again (if you aren’t already dead by then)

Let me use my Dispersion, my defensive cooldown, to get the Warrior off me.

Let me use my Fear which can be dispelled, trinketed, berserker raged to get out of to get the Warrior off me.

Let me use my Psychic Horror, which can be dispelled and trinketed out of, to get this Warrior off me.

Let me use my Void Tendrils, which can be Bladestormed or one shot, to get this Warrior off me.

Do you people even play this game?

I mean, I know you’re all garbage forum dwellers and all that, but like…seriously?

he says with 300+ posts
compared to the 23+ posts edgrave

hi Lockfromwish


Hi Axran, still awful at all 4 classes and 6 specs you’re actively playing?

:rofl: :coffee:


I’ll take that as a yes.

Alter Time
Master of Time
Greater Invisibility
Blast Wave
Cone of Cold
Counterspell (??? put this in because you put in Silence, was funny)
Dragon’s Breath
Frost Nova
Ice Ward
Improved Frost Nova
Ice Block
Mirror Image
Ice Nova
Flow of Time
Temporal Velocity
Energized Barriers
Frigid Winds
Shifting Power
Time Anomaly
Incantation of Swiftness
Diverted Energy
Volatile Detonation
Accumulative Shielding
Freezing Cold
Tempest Barrier
Rigid Ice
Improved Scorch
Ice Wall
Master Shepherd
Ring of Frost
Blazing Barrier

List goes on depending on spec.
Listing up things that can help vs a warrior… Silence? But alright, didnt know Silence can do anything against warriors? cough

So the way you argue is listing up everything that could possibly help even if its 1% or less which I did the same but I most likely forgot 1 or 2.

Only thing silence does to a Warrior is stop them from using Rallying Cry.

This guy listed my spellbook and a small fraction of the abilities even remotely contribute to stepping away from a Warrior never mind actually getting away :rofl:

So you people know nothing about Priest gameplay. I listed you all things you can use against Warriors excluding dps. You can try to learn how to deal with Warriors outside SW or Org.

He brought it up so I actually felt I had to log onto my own warrior and asked a SP to silence me since he NEEDS to know something we dont know about that spell on warriors and how they will help us against them.
And what did I figure out?
On this instance, saying random things hoping noone tests it.

I have to ask, did you spec into everything you listed, asked a warrior to duel you and he afked while u used everything on him and he told you afterwards you did a very good job of fending off him?
Thats how it feels like reading what you just said about SPs.

Trade offer:
We make casters not tanky.
We give you: Disarm.


Never ceases to amaze me that balance talk on the arena devolves into 1v1, as if the average arena game is 1 warrior vs 1 spriest.

Know who disarms that scary warrior? Your rogue, your mw, your ww, your own warrior. Just like i dont need a 30 yard ranged slow on my warrior because chances are ill have a mage, lock, boomkin, dk or whatever slowing and rooting him for me. Stop dueling in elwyn forest then whining on the arena forums.

*On that character.

Btw, technically there is a caster with disarm, 2 if you count in healers. Boomy one is dispellable though. But casters really don’t need that rn.

Constructive feedback was great but love how people come in here pointing at my low rating and win rate… ye that is contractive NOT!. just trolling…
not everyone is the perfect player and still has rights to speak their thoughts and so do I.

The wow PVP forum shows the same issue we see generally in pvp nowadays… so many destructive people instead of constructive feedback … and no rating does not make any person more more less valuable to speak their thoughts !

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