Hi, im total pvp garbage, but tell me how it is fair that dh or rogue can keep me stuned / shadowlocked for 20 sec, interrupt me with stun and im just a punching dummy for them.
I cant even heal myself because some blizzard idiots made heal shadow type.
I cant get it how melees are superior to casters in this game. Its the first game like this i have ever played.
Why my interrupt cd is longer, and its useless vs melee? Why cant i get a legit stun as a shadow priest, while all the other classes got some kind of slow/ knockback/ stun in their stuff. I got only fear that is broken by any damage…
SP is a joke, in pve and pvp. I cant stand how blizzard love warlocks and druids since cata. They got everything. They can tank with pets, abuse it in dungeons, they got stones, they got combat ress, invis, legit heals and defensives.
Make achievements accountbound so i can finally reroll to balance or rogue…
Im realy considering going back to lineage2, it was grindfest, but at least not a single player game.
Well I usually match up well against most melee except rogues in WPvP. Honestly Rogues are just always attacking you while doing other stuff so it’s hard to do any sort of prep while in the wild, rogues are also pretty much a hard counter togheter with fury warrior… they stick to me like glue and even if they have no real burst dmg the selfheal with sustained dmg always gets me in the end.
It’s a matter of baiting out their interupts and manage your defensives properly. If you see the enemy start to burst you have to be prepared for a incoming stun by either using greater fade to dodge most if not all the burst damage or use dispersion. As fast as the enemy have used up their burst you can basicly free kill many melee by tanking them during vamp. embrace.
In WPvP our greatest strenghts acctually greater fade, since it lines up well with most enemy stuns. One whould say that melee are superior to casters, however in many cases a caster are way tankier then most people give them credit for… especially those pesky destruction warlocks.
Besides if your lucky you can acctually use your silence the proc their trinkets, many people tend to play with the Adaptation talent and thus it will remove the worthless silence leaving them open for a Scream into Horror burst scenario and thus it will often lead to their deaths.
Because melee classes aren’t casters? There are exceptions of course, you can interrupt Eye Beam, any hybrid DPS/melee class that use heals etc. And ranged classes usually have tools to kite melee classes to keep them at bay, meaning the increased CD on interrupts.
Before you get frustrated, you need to learn the game some more and analyze your mistakes about why you died. WoW isn’t just button smashing like everyone seem to make it out to be. You want clean boring rotations? Go play PvE.
What i noticed is that majority of caster classes are usually weak vs meele classes, especially if a caster fights vs a paladin. From my own experience, paladins are very hard to defeat as elemental shaman and beside that they have lots of defensives/heals, that makes a fight vs a paladin very hard.
Rarely i won vs a paladin with my shaman on a 1v1 fight and when i did it was very hard and long fight.
As Ret, I find most (but not all) casters are only really a problem in WPvP when part of a group. Because they’re quite squishy, it’s just a matter of getting close enough to hit them with the full high burst damage I can do. Tbh, I don’t think I’ve had many 1-on-1 fights with Locks so can’t comment about them. It’s Mages mostly, and they’re not too hard to see off.
As per suggestion above, for Shadow Priest - watch Anboni videos https://www.youtube.com/user/anboniwow/videos
everytime I watch them I want to dust off my SPriest.
He is really good and informative.
You can also check their armories for stats / traits / talent-builds
I have switch from my warlock to a death knight and they are quite powerful compared to warlocks, to the point that I fail to see how a warlock would win against a death knight. DK have counter spell and a 4 second stun. They can pull you close and run through you (another interrupt). And have an up to 90% aoe slow. And all on short cooldowns. Whats not to like?
you a warlock or spriest?
If you are a lock then i guess you missed the stunlock/fear CC 100-0 locks out there… Probably got as much cc as rogues got now
First of all you’re DPS you shouldn’t be healing. And you have enough tricks up your sleeve to chain CC other classes. Yes rogues are hard to kill get used to it and l2adapt. Warriors get kited by frost mages… and the list continues.