
Hey guys, I made a castsequence macro and somehow it sometimes keeps resetting uncontrolled
/castsequence reset=10 skill1, skill2, skill3, skill4, skill5, skill6, skill7, skill8, skill9, skill10, skill11, skill12, skill13
I tried reset=combat as well but the issue remained. Anyone any idea why it keeps jumping to skill1 in the mid of the macro? If yes, how to fix it?

Does it reset mid sequence if there’s no reset condition?

it resets so you can enjoy the game little brother.

I didn’t try that yet. So the macro is gonna look like this?:
/castsequence skill1, skill2, ...
What’s also weird, it happens only in dungeons. Hitting a dummy, or in raids, it works fine.


Just tested it, it still occurs. Sometimes it doesn’t even trigger the second skill and idk how. It feels like it has something to do with swapping targets or maybe even the tab button? Maybe it’s just lag? Not sure…

Can you post the actual sequence you’re testing?

/castsequence Rushing Jade Wind, Keg Smash, Blackout Kick, Breath of Fire, Spinning Crane Kick, Rushing Jade Wind, Blackout Kick, Keg Smash, Breath of Fire, Spinning Crane Kick, Blackout Kick, Rising Sun Kick, Spinning Crane Kick
Using this right now. Sometimes it happens that I use “Rushing Jade Wind” and it simply is on CD without moving me to the next skill. I’ll try to record the issue in few minutes.

I maybe described the issue a bit wrong. It might be not jumping to the first skill but the first skill (I assume?), Rushing Jade Wind, does not move me forward in the sequence. Here are some examples, I am just smashing the macro.

Seems it’s just an issue with the skill “Rushing Jade Wind”. If I remove it from the macro, everything works just fine.

If a skill in your sequenece is on cooldown or not available then the sequence will not advance to the next skill. Basically the current skill in sequence must be successful in order to advance the macro, if it is not then it will halt at that skill and the macro will reset after the given time.

That’s the point, that’s not the case.

Looks like a bug or possibly an interaction with a recharge proc mechanic, but I don’t remember RJW having one of those.

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