Casual Imperfection Late night Draenor [H] 1 Night Weekend Raid Team

Casual Imperfection is a new late-night raiding guild formed in the run up to Shadowlands by a few cutting-edge raiders looking to build a home for like-minded lost souls who can’t necessarily raid at ‘normal’ times due to either work or family commitments.

The aim of the guild is to be able to clear each raid tier whilst it remains relevant and also develop a healthy M+ community. We expect raiders to be switched on and focussed during raids.

Previous mythic raiding experience is plus but maturity and attitude are more important traits so if you are competitive and want to progress as far as possible, then Casual Imperfection could the place for you!

Raid Schedule for Weekend Team

Sunday - 23:00 - 01:30 Server Time

Weekend team is currently Heroic pushing quickly into mythic, get your spot now. This is our Members raid night. LF players with similar experience and quality to help grow this team.

Our aim is to become 2 nights in the future (Fri/Sun)

We also have a weeknight raid team raiding; currently 6/10m

Wednesday, Thursday and Monday 23.00-1.30

We have quickly formed a strong core team and are progressing nicely but on the lookout for exceptional applicants for any class or role for the weeknight team.

Social applicants are also welcome and mythic+ plays a big part of our play schedule outside of raiding.

If any of this sounds interesting, or you have any questions, feel free to post in this thread or reach out in game to


Weekend Team looking for more players for heroic and into mythic

Still looking for players ( mostly healers) to improve the numbers so we can actively progress mythic

Looking for more players for our weekend team - get in contact for requirments - currently establishing a mythic roster

All late night players are welcome to join the guild -

Looking for more players for our weekend team - get in contact for requirments

All late night players are welcome to join the guild - this team is establishing a mythic roster currently