Casual Player Looking for a Social Guild

Hi all!

As the title suggests, I’m on the hunt to join a social, friendly and mature guild to experience TWW with. I’ve been playing since vanilla but I’ve never been hardcore, never done a Mythic before and rarely raid. TBH, I would like to, but family life gets in the way.

I generally play more during the day when I should be working and maybe get about 30 mins at night once the kids go to bed. I’m just looking for an active guild as it is getting a little boring playing solo.

My main characters are split between Quel’Thalas, Doomhammer and Turalyon, with currently a level 80 warrior (horde) on Quel’Thalas and 80 paladin (alliance) on Turalyon. I’ve got a bunch of level 70 alts from the MoP Remix event which I’m happy to jump in on to fulfil any needs, you just need to bear with my noob-ness as it has been the warrior that I’ve played most with.

If you don’t mind a middle-aged guy with questionable skills joining your guild, please drop me a ping :smiley:



You’re welcome to come check out our guild if you like? Ministry of Silly Wipes

Players of all skill levels are welcome =)
We’re most active in the evenings after work, but theres a fair few who play during the day time too; some whilst working also, like yourself ^^

Contact details are in the thread I linked =) feel free to add me if you’ve any questions, or wish to join us!

Hi Westie,

thanks for the response. I’ve dropped you a friend request on bnet to have a chat.


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Since i can pretty much copy paste 80% of Kallam’s post. I’ll safe everyone the time and jump straight to the link and contact Westie :slight_smile: .

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Im at work at the moment, so may be a bit slow in replying, but ive accepted both requests and will answer any messages where i can in between working ^^