Casual player's thoughts - titanforging is FINE

I don’t understand why people hate titanforging, it’s exciting when someone in the raid gets 395 item from normal or lfr and it happens very rarely anyways so it’s not like the lucky person now has better gear than a mythic raider. I think people are like sheep and can’t even think by themselves, a popular streamer like Asmongold says titanforging is bad and now everyone just follows his agenda.


Because people (myself included) don’t like the fact that loot is given out to anyone who didn’t earn it.


Sigh, it’s not about whether a “casual” player will get an item that’s higher than a mythic raid item. Or at least, that is probably the least of the concerns surrounding the system. No, it’s the fact that it:

  1. It completely ruins the competitive side of raid dps.
  2. It makes it nearly impossible to tell the good players from the bad players.
  3. It devalues higher end content and the players who complete that content.
  4. It encourages players to repeatedly clear content that is far below their gear and skill level just to get a chance at titanforging (this comes with a myriad of issues that I won’t go into here).
  5. It goes against pretty much everything an RPG stands for.
  6. It contributes to the “skinner box” that the game is now focused around, conditioning players to keep playing even when they have had enough.

It’s also got nothing to do with what a popular streamer thinks. I couldn’t care less about what Asmongold thinks and developed my opinions on the subject long before I heard him talking about it.


I think this just depends on point of view of every player. I was glad every time i saw somebody getting some forged item, seriously. But i also have to say i agree with Asmongold in most of what he’s saying in that one video… Mate, just think about it… Ppl did’nt left WoW without reason… Core of this game dissapeared, people noticed it and naturaly some of them left… Because for them WoW lost that point of enjoyiment that it had back in past… And i agree with them.
However i can easily adapt on conditions about WoW so i can keep playing it.

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  1. I am not sure how the competitive side of raid dps is gone, when you can check raider io for scores to get in the best player sin raids

  2. Once again you can use raider io to distinguish good from bad players.

  3. I am not sure how the higher end content is devalued. People can do it for achievements, to farm mounts, toys, mogs, etc. The higher gear does not drop for every single player in a raid or dungeon, sometimes it does not drop at at all.

  4. I do not see anything wrong with this if a person wants to redo content to gear farm. This is entirely up to the player, no one is forcing a player to do it.

  5. Not sure how an a RPG is ruined due to warforging or titanforging. If these 2 aspects were removed, people would just buy higher level gear off the AH, from sellers who farm the gear, like they already do.

  6. No one is forcing a player to keep playing they choose to play.

Your last statement, I agree with fully. People should not simply listen to streamers they should decide for themselves how to play WOW and what to do in WOW.


Tl;dr: I think X is good and everyone that thinks otherwise is incapable of having their own opinion and must be parroting a popular streamer I dislike. Haven’t seen this one before on the forums before, mate, and it’s not a really, really dumb way to see things. No, really.


He looks like a ferret.
But fair play to him - making money by playing WoW… more than I’m getting when I play.


Titanforge and warforge suck big time. I got a 380 ring from m+6 . I think that tt and wf should be like this. From 2-4 you get a normal item , from 5-7 warforge and from 8 to 20 titanforge. Same for raids , lfr and normal raid you get a normal item , heroic you get a warforged and mythic titanforged. Same with pvp , from 0-1600 you get normal items , from 1601 - 2000 warforged and from 2001- & you get titanforged.


I didn’t really say it is good I am indifferent towards it I just don’t understand why is there such a hate about it when really it’s just a minor thing that sometimes happens and doesn’t give a lower skill player significant advantage over a higher skill player.


We had puzzle mounts that people spent months solving and now anyone can read 10 step guide lines and easily get them even though they don’t so call DESERVE getting it.

We have people who can easily farm lower level players and earn titles.

People that can easily solo lower tier raids to earn achievements that took MONTHS for people to get.

There are many things in this game that are either RNG or not DESERVING of that player.

So instead of being an elitist who brings up excuses to justify why they hate Battle for azeroth, realize that one random high lvl drop for a pleb is not going to be the end of the world. You have the same chance they do. And it’s not like they can just do it once every 10 minutes or so. It’s one raid per week.

So yea. It might not be what they deserve. It might not be what they worked hard for, but the fact that you’ll get titles and achievements and high lvl gears from mythic raids is enough to make mythic worth it, and a 1% bonus lvl possibility in LFR doesn’t make Mythic less worth it or LFR more worth it.

Oh and yea. I’m a relatively new player, but i came from much worse MMORPG’s. So when you critisize such a stupid little problem, it triggers me. Many trash mmorpg’s out there and you are spending your time and effort trying to fix some ridiculous problems in this game that are actually not even going to be productive. It’ll only repel newer players at the cost of slight satisfaction of some old players. And even they will forget it after 10 minutes and focus on other new problems.


Hello. My name is Gráinne, and I’m a Casual.

(Hi, Gráinne.)

As a casual, I know that the raid DPS race once everyone has BiS gear (when there was BiS gear) does not affect me. I can still feel for the people who have had that taken away from them, but I can’t personally complain about it.

However, I can complain about the lack of identity of gear now. I can still remember individual pieces I aimed for, worked towards, got, and valued, back in Cata and Mists. But I honestly couldn’t name one piece of gear either of my 120s is wearing right now.

With Extra Random Randomness of Randomizer smothering everything, it doesn’t matter to me what I get. I don’t know the names. I didn’t try for them. I didn’t work for them. I didn’t have a choice in them. They just appeared in my bags one day, and if they were better, I equipped them. I don’t know them. I don’t care about them. I don’t value them.

And that’s a loss.


well my friend from that narrowminded and prejudiced prospective you will never understand it either. It is not about how good your gear is, for what i care you could have 395ilvl from raiding normal or lfr or whatever you like…

it is about what titanforging is actually taking away from the game that could be instead.

If you would actually have a system with predictable and steady gearing progression, wich you could farm out
-Example: Imagine you have 383 ilvl or something around that. So what are you going to do to inmproove your character further? there is titanforging right now where you can grind mythic+ and pray for 4 layers of rng to line up in order to actually recieve an upgrade or you have the timegated content like mythic raids where you have only 2-3 layers of rng to improove your character.

So in case you are wondering what i am talking about when i mention 4 layers of rng: 1st one is obviously that an item drops 2nd is that it is actually an item that has your desired stats or a desired item at all 3rd would be that you get the titanfroge/socket and 4th would be that it has to titanforge for a minimum amount to be actually an upgrade. So playing a game that is structured like wow is right now is very depressing and burning people out one after another…

What could be better than titanforging you ask? Well there are many suggestions out there made by people but here is mine:

In case you are wondering: nobody really cares if you are doing normal raids and get insane items. Nobody is jealous. The point is everything in life has to have meaning and purpose otherwise it might be exciting for a while (and as a casual player you might enjoy it for longer than people who actually spend alot of time in the game) but in the long run its a bad design only focusing on the short term excitement instead of the steady paced predictable gearing path you could take your character on.

Nobody hates casuals and I am glad you like the game as it is right now. WoW needs YOU and I need you aswell, because we are all just players trying to escape into a beautiful fantasy world and spend some quality time, nonetheless basic psycology is still applying to our brains even if we zone out playing wow…

thank you for reading


that is a very good point and i strongly agree on that !

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you still can do it without watching a guide and feel good about yourself

im not sure what this means, but then in the eyes of people who actually play and have a clue about the game will ignore those titels, when they were to be presented to them…

yes and this is why nobody cares about those achievements, only feats of strenght are anything halfway worth looking at… your points are not good up untill now

this is exactly what frustrates people, you can have a chance once per week and its frustrating the way it works right now. nobody cares about you doing a normal raid and getting a mythic ilvl piece of gear…

mythic is the only mode worth looking at when raiding imo and ive been in lfr 385 ilvl geared and it was not fun. i have no idea how you can defend this “difficulty” to exist, because in my opinion it is the worst place to be in wow…

wow is an old mmorpg with unique strenghts and weaknesses, nobody discredits the glorious achievements this game made or belittels the great expiriences people made within the game… the game is bleeding out and through the players the devs should actually get a feedback on how to improove so everyone has fun…

As far as i am aware there is no mmorpg in the style of wow with such a high level of PVE and this is great and what makes wow what it is, you dont have to be triggered about something you have no idea about, since you dont play the game enough to understand why the problems stated actually affect you aswell, you just dont notice it…

if you have any questions in regard of what i said and why i said that, i will answer them to you with pleasure

This is a great post and highlights all the issues. The only thing I could possibly add is that it takes away from the feeling of progression. Getting a piece of loot from a progression boss kill should feel great but thanks to Titanforging, the items we get can often not be an upgrade. It’s so bad now you can’t even tell if anything is an upgrade without simming it anymore. Getting loot just doesn’t feel good anymore. It’s just Russian roulette.


well in some caces you might be right on that one, but only due to the terrible design of trinkets imo…

this brings up the 3rd party sites like raider-io, which the casuals are complaining about alot… i wonder why they dont see that they are shooting themselves in the foot by defending titanforging on that one.

i disagree someone with 380 ilvl who has never set a foot into mythic will be glad to have that ilvl but wont get invited in mythic taloc or so nonetheless, cause he has not the expirience. this point is wrong imo

thats a big and difficult one… the system should do that in a way for really minor upgrades to encourage expirienced/geared players to help out their friends/guildies who are not there yet, without having the feel of completely wasting their time in the low content… but the current system doesnt do that. nobody will go in a m0 expecting something to titanforge to 385… if it would be possible to go 10 times m+0 and get some currency to upgrade something even by 1 ilvl it would be a massive improovement to the feel of purpose and usefullness of this content and would not feel like a massive weaste of time…

Do you really want me to explain my points in detail? Because I could easily write a book on the subject if I wanted to.

So let me ask you a question, to really think about. Why do we need titanforging in the game? Note that I’m not asking you why you like titanforging (that is obvious) but why is it needed in the first place.

Here’s the problem. Titanforging was implemented to solve a problem that didn’t exist, and since it was introduced it has caused more problems than it has “solved”. I would be perfectly fine with titanforging if it fixed an issue with the game but it doesn’t. So why does it exist?


I might not be an old player but i can bet this is the reaction that’s going to happen, should they remove titanforging.

very new players won’t even know what happened.
casual players will be bothered by it.
Some high level players won’t care.
Some old players get happy about that change and praise blizzard for doing it, for about 10 minutes. Until they completely forget about titanforging and focus on other problems.

That’s the triggering part. Because it is neither an important thing nor a fundamental one. It exists to make grinding for lower difficulty versions of raids a bit more satisfying for lower players. You’ll know that if you kill mother 100 times, there might be a chance you get that off hand you always wanted,etc.

You want problems? We’ve got many others.

The rep grinding, lack of things to do after a while, azerite farming, or basically this RNG drops in total. So many other things to focus and a lot of you are wasting your time with a function that is basically equal to mount drop in chance. Why do you care so much that a casual player might feel satisfied getting a gear he or she would never be able to get on their own? It’s not like doing mythic raids is possible without a decent guild. And which serious guild exactly invites new players to join them and let them go for mythics? And overall, one titanforged might give you 1 or 2 item levels at most. Not game breaking. Not that significant. And most certainly not that big of a fuss as you people make it to be.

be a bit less selfish, and realize that not everyone’s been here since 2008. Some people joined last year. Heck, maybe even last week. They probably need to say goodbye to the hopes of getting a decent guild for at the very least a couple of years. Enough with this selfishness. One higher leveled gear won’t make them better and won’t make you any less of a player you are.


well you clearly lack the insight on those things to fully understand why i wrote what i wrote and it would demand one of us to go great lenghts in order for me to explain to you what is really going on and how people feel… if you are still online do you want to come discord and talk. im sure it will be 10 minutes and you will understand what i mean?