Casual PvP is at its BEST, please dont ruin it and only improve on it

Hi everyone
A piece of feedback from an exclusively casual PvP enjoyer who’s main content is random Battlegrounds (and now also “solo-queue rated” currently being tested on Dragonflight)
Why i think casual PvP is at its best:

1-Gear acquisition AND no borrowed powers locked behind non-PvP content

The current system is at it’s best.
There is still a small smidge of RPG power progression in the form of “honor gear” > “conquest gear” with the player picking the stats they want from the vendor and borrowed power are kept to a minimum by Tier sets, profession pvp craftables and enchants/gems.
If future expansions decide to introduce new borrowed powers just make sure they can be obtainable through PvP means.
I welcome borrowed powers with open arms, since new fantasy themed playstyles are new “toys” to play with, as long as i’m not forced to do content outside the box.
All i dread is the days of having to do PvE dailies, weeklies, Torghast, Visions, story campaigns, world quests etc

2-Damage and burst damage on a good spot (which is high)

Personal opinion here, dont ask me which expansion it was, i tend to forget since i played all of them, but im pretty sure “back in the day” there were expansions where ALL DPS hit
like a wet noodle.
Felt awful and not impactful enough.
I think nowadays we reached a good middle ground…which is more on the high end of things.

3-Fast queues

This is the be-all and end-all of casual pvp. The queue timer MUST be fast.
Mid Dragonflight expansion there was something wrong with the game and we ended up having 15-20min queues for random BGS…as Alliance…with the enlistment "bonus…
This instantly resulted in me quitting for a few weeks/months.
For ME this is the be-all and end-all of casual PvP.
Very simple.
Fast queues please.

4-New Talent system

Gives enough variety of playstyles within the same class to test and have fun around.
Game loop = play new class > test all possible or preferred playstyles > play new class > repeat


Im not sure to be honest.
But last time i was excited, more than usual, to spam, what i always spam, Random Battlegrounds was to see my Honor level grow to reach the mount reward of “Prestigious Midnight Courser”
ALso loving the new “solo queue brawl” ONLY because queues are fast…so far (fingers crossed for actual release)

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The only way to improve it is to remove premades!


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