Casual PvP is DEAD!

No matter if it’s random bgs or rated solo, it’s done for.

I’m by no means a good PvPer, but I know what I’m doing. I know what objectives to focus on, I target healers, I do decent damage… but despite all this I have lost the last 9 out of 10 BGs.

It’s so frustrating. We get ganked all the time. We then get spawn camped at the GY.

Surely this can’t just be for me?


As a casual PvPer , i enjoy usually 1/7 BGs that i play .
4-5 i lose from premade
1-2 i win by having a group accidentally in my team
1 is a good game (win or loss it doesn’t matter as long as it a good solid game)


Well, think about it that way. For every blitz that you and your 7 team mates lose, there is a team that wins. Streaks happen, and you can only try to work on your play to be ob the winning side more often


It’s full of armies riding premades, the pvp in wow is not worth it, just laugh at those people.


If you can’t beat them. Join them.


or keep ur integrity hehexd


Casual pvp is not dead it’s just infested with premades that slowly pushing players away from the game.

And blizz doing nothing about it.


True. When did premades become a nuisance?

I absolutely loved casual random bgs. The begin of the downfall was from Shadowlands, imo.

True! Nothing can undo the dmg did to pvp, in BFA and SL, by bliztard…

I disagree, premades have been a thing since vanilla wow, I even remember organizing 10 / 15 raid groups for WSG or AB for that optimal honor gains.

People without backbone or character have always been there and will never go away, sadly true.


They have existed since the BC, but you could play randoms without problems because there were few premades, but nowadays 4 out of every 5 bgs is against synchronized premades with less skill than a fair monkey, so they can only win like this with 3 heals stuck to their a-ss.

Been happening since Vanilla, only between Vanilla and in my experience up to WOD, they were few and far between. Since then they have just gotten more and more predominant with every expansion. Can only ever recall the odd attempts of premades in EBG’s in those earlier days but over the last 2-3 expansions it’s turned into a total joke.


As a solo casual player that i do almost exclusively pvp, i have to say that blizzard have failed miserably to fix this problem.
Why not add a Solo Random Battleground queue ? Such an easy fix, you get a random team from everyone that has queued (no matter alliance or horde) and teams will be fixed based on healers , ranged or melee dps and based on ilvl. Worst case scenario , if this is not good then revert the change and no harm done!
Easier fix ever!! WAKE UP BLIZZARD!!!
If you had listened to half of things people suggests and asks for, you would have made a ton of money by firing all those incompetent devs that have absolutely no clue on how to fix things and create a better game for everyone.

I’m two fingers away from quitting WoW altogether.

I’ve just lost 5 Bgs in a row. 3 premade groups (added to my notepad), 2 bgs in which 2/3 players were actually playing.

It can’t be any more obvious that BG needs a huge fix - at the very least in random bgs…

Blizzard. Sort this out.

edit: I’m done. That’s 20 Bg losses. I’m quitting PvP until it gets sorted out.

Not planing to play some pvp next patch.
Hope Blizzard will wake up, but for now, i just totally give up.

Given how Shado-Pan is a brawl (again) and it doesn’t work (still) and Blizzard haven’t even bothered removing it from the pool of brawls when they know it doesn’t work and can’t be bothered to fix it, I’m not sure they really care about casual PvP. :man_shrugging: