Cat Form - No extra speed


Today noticed that when i go to my Cat Form, i do not receive the speed buff. I walked next tot people without any speed buffs, and my speed is exactly the same. I tried relogging but the issue persists.

Can you help me?

It’s on this character btw!

Edit: Player elaborated below on the situation where he did not receive mount speed, namely indoors.

Cat form is not giving movement speed baseline in classic wow, it’s modern feature. You must talent into it.

Specifically look here: Feline Swiftness talent.

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Yes, i do have points in Feline Swiftness. I noticed the Talents don’t seem to work inside Booty Bay.

Wrote my first post when i was AFK there. Now when i leave through the exit, my speed returns. When i get back in, it stops.

Whole Booty Bay is considered indoors and Cat Form speed / Travel Form is considered mount so it won’t work there.

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Oh wow, i did not know that. Good to know, thank you!

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It’s bassicly discount travelform mode, once you have travelform there isn’t much purpose of the talent x)

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